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Committee roles, yay or nay?

Is being on a committee all it’s cracked up to be? We’ve all been there, innocently enjoying a year of our favourite sport or society at uni, until suddenly they spring it on you: committee elections.The wonderful student group you’ve grown to love can’t go on without a new set of fresh-faced committee members. But …

Getting involved: How to pick societies

One of the best things about university is the chance to try something new. Nottingham has hundreds of societies, sports clubs and volunteering opportunities for you to experience. There’s so much choice though, it can be hard to know where to start. So here’s my top tips to help you find something you’ll enjoy! Previous …

5 reasons why Refreshers is better than Freshers

Exam season is officially OVER! Cue the return of socialising and going out – after the million hours of sleep to catch up on, of course. It’s not called refreshers for nothing; and instead of seeing the week as a calmed-down version of freshers (a reflection of your own student progression), here’s why refreshers week …

Varsity: Ice Ice Baby

The atmosphere was tense. The gameplay was rough and competitive. And, of course, there were winners and losers. And that was just buying the tickets…   Having friends organised enough and willing to wait for the Box Office Tickets page to load, last night I watched the Varsity Ice Hockey match in the Capital FM …

Here Comes the Sun

The plan for the week was to recover from Spring Break but my American University workload has decided otherwise. Straight off the back of our drive back up the east coast through the night I really did have to hit the ground running. I have also become aware of how fast time is flying and …

Six Degrees

Last weekend saw me attend my first college basketball game that in typical American fashion was on a mammoth scale. A full house in the John Paul Jones Arena was entertained by cheerleaders, dance troupes, a full marching band, a military led national anthem and an amusing mascot named ‘Cav-man’ and this was all before the …

It’s the start of the term!

Hello! It’s 2012 and today is the start of term! Well, not for everyone though. So I have to do a project presentation this Friday along with my other colleagues in Microbiology homebase (category). I’m actually not quite prepared yet. Additionally, I haven’t finished writing up my dissertation (a long essay about my research). It’s …