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3rd Year Bucket List

How is it already March? With less than a semester left of my degree, I’ve been compiling a list of things I want to try and do before I graduate and move away from Nottingham! Take a look at what I’ve got so far: Go to Sherwood Forest Somehow I’ve been living in Nottingham for …

Inspired Musings of an International Student

Sometime ago I moved 4000 miles away from home to pursue a higher education at the University of Nottingham. After having watched one too many ‘coming-of-age’ movies in high school, I was extremely excited to move to a new town and make new memories. Unfortunately, as I settled into my flight, the disappearing city lights …

Things I’d Tell My ‘Before Uni’ Self

This past week, I’ve been having a really tough time at uni. Even though I’m more settled than ever, and happier than I’ve ever been, it’s been really horrible. Everything little thing has been getting to me and making every day seem like a complete chore. It’s really hit home that even though these days …

Storm Doris

Well I haven’t blogged for a while ever since being caught up with the whirlwind that was exams and then a busy start to the semester with my dissertation, but I have found a calm within the storm to relax for a bit and reflect on the last few weeks. Speaking of storms, that storm …

The Introvert’s Guide to Surviving University

  We all grow up with fantasies about the world that slowly disappear as we get older. A perfect university experience is one of those dreams. A year ago, peering into this chapter of my life from the safety of home, I had high hopes for what everyday life at uni would be like. Little …

The National Student Survey 2017

What is the survey? “The survey is made up of 27 questions covering things such as the teaching on your course, assessment and feedback, academic support, learning resources, the Students’ Union and your overall satisfaction.“ –   Aimed at undergraduate students in final year –   Takes around 10 minutes –   Multiple choice questions –   Opinion box at …

Books every university student should read

For some of us, there isn’t much that rivals the feeling of cozying up with a good book on a winter’s day. After all, what better way to escape the cold than to jump into a whole other world! Here are, in my humble opinion, 3 books that I truly believe will change your life …

The Devil Wears Primark

Do you ever walk around campus and catch yourself gawping at beautifully dressed women fluttering their way from building to building in gorgeous fabrics, and you’re left feeling like Andrea Sachs on her first day at Runway? I know I do. These ladies, or sorcerers perhaps, seem to have managed to come out on top …

Goals for 2017 – We can do this!

Hello once again! It’s been a while since I’ve put up a blog. In fact, it’s been so long that it’s a little daunting to return. Hopefully everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and is raring to go for another (hopefully, less terrifying) year ahead.   Speaking of the new year, it’s finally time …

Songs That Sum up Being at UoN

The Proclaimers – 500 Miles Walking to the QMC on my first day of Freshers’ at 9am made me realise two things: 1) someone obviously had it against me to have me undergo this feat, but also 2) the campus is HUGE. Now, I enjoy the campus’ size as it is able to hide vast …