Getting fit and healthy in Nottingham
February 16, 2020
In the last 6 months, I’ve become a lot more focused on my personal fitness goals. While the changes are small, they’re there and there’s nothing more motivational than that. Besides aesthetics, keeping on top of my fitness goals have improved my mental and cardiovascular health. Nottingham has proved to be an absolutely amazing place …
Reasons to go to the Gym
November 11, 2018
As someone who is known to detest any form of exercise going, joining the gym this year was a shock that no one saw coming. However, what’s more shocking is that I actually like going to the gym… I know, right? Beforehand I used to judge anyone who remotely liked the gym, wondering what kind …
The Five Types of People you see on Campus Gyms
March 18, 2015
1. The Osiris The huge guy that can max out every weight. He keeps alive the legacy of Ancient Egypt, because he too has a God named Set. Pictured: BEAST mode When he walks the ground shakes, when he lifts the weights tremble and when he re-racks the geosciences lab have to recalibrate their equipment. …
The Urban Gym
October 17, 2013
Are you on a typically tight student budget? Are you appalled at the price of membership to local gyms? Then look no further, the home made Urban Gym is the answer to all your financially limited fitness regime problems. All you need is some simple, easily available items and you are good to go. I …
Leap Years and Love.
February 16, 2012
February suddenly seems to be stretching out to be the longest month ever, ironic really when it normally goes so fast; I’m blaming the fact that’s it’s a leap year. This week has been crammed full of deadlines, drinks and dramatic days. February 14th – that day; dreaded by singles, males and cynics across the …
Surreal(ity) Shock
February 2, 2012
Surreal. The word that best sums up my last week; I never really considered experiencing reverse culture shock, but I most definitely have. What is interesting is that it’s not necessarily British culture I am struggling with, more British student culture which is so significantly and yet subtly different that it takes some readjusting to. …