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3rd Year Bucket List

How is it already March? With less than a semester left of my degree, I’ve been compiling a list of things I want to try and do before I graduate and move away from Nottingham! Take a look at what I’ve got so far: Go to Sherwood Forest Somehow I’ve been living in Nottingham for …

The National Student Survey 2017

What is the survey? “The survey is made up of 27 questions covering things such as the teaching on your course, assessment and feedback, academic support, learning resources, the Students’ Union and your overall satisfaction.“ –   Aimed at undergraduate students in final year –   Takes around 10 minutes –   Multiple choice questions –   Opinion box at …

What do I do after university?

So I’m sat here after just applying for a scholarship scheme for an internship in China thinking what the heck do I want to do after university? I know I still have about a year to go, but is that really that long? Today my girlfriend and I had a chat in the car on …

Uni: Top Five Moments

This day has finally come, where I am writing my final blog post for the university. It also means that I am no longer a student at the university. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad to be done with exams (for a while at least). However I am not quite ready to stop being …

What graduation is actually like

08:00– final drive down to Nottingham. Let’s not get too emotional Gemma, it’s only the A52. 10:00 – god it’s getting hot already. Might open a window. But that would mess up my hair. Am going to kill anyone that tries to open a window. 10:01 – I’m going to kill my brother. 11:35 – …

Who needs a grad job when you can do all this…?!

Your Bachelor’s Degree title is creeping ever closer, and instead of relishing the thought of putting BA or BSc after your name, you’re wishing you had another year because, quite frankly, real life is scary. No? Just me? Ok then, let’s just pretend I tried and failed to get a grad job; like many other …

Please don’t make me graduate

I have decided to run away and become a milkmaid. Preferably somewhere near Toulouse or Carcassonne, but I’m not too picky to be honest – wherever a cow needs me, I’ll be there. Whenever I have a big decision to make, the fantasy of becoming a modern day Tess of the D’Ubervilles resurfaces (conveniently forgetting …


Yesterday I graduated from the University of Nottingham, so my undergraduate journey has officially ended! It feels really strange to say that. Fortunately, I’m sticking around in Nottingham until September to earn a bit of money, so I have a while until I’ll start getting all emotional about leaving! Here’s how my graduation day unfolded. …

4 Reasons Being On 4-Year Course is Great (and not so great)

  PROs 1. Putting off “Real World” Responsibilities (for the time-being) You get to put off post university responsibilities for at least another year. Think about it, while your university friends who are graduating this year are stressing about things like finding a job or moving back home you are still warm in your little university bubble! …

A new beginning

This is it. My final post. It has been two full years since I started blogging and so much has happened in that time – good and bad. But I made it (Praise God!) and now have photos like this:     Graduation Graduation was definitely an experience. We stayed in the Uni hotel (ooh …