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Your essential university packing list

Back when I was preparing to start my university adventure (way back when Freddo’s could be aquired for the princely sum of 5 of your old english pennies), I spent a lot of time planning what to take to uni. Suffice to say, a lot of time culminated in a lot of stuff. A lot …

My Guide to Surviving University

—> For those of you who don’t like walls of text, skim over the TLDR; in bold to get the general gist of the post! I’m aiming this blog post at all those A-level students who’ve recently found out what University they’ve got into. First things first, give yourself a pat on the back because …

Results Day Emotions

The whole university experience is different for everybody, from applying on UCAS until Graduation Day. Results Day is no different… I think everybody in the lead up to starting university has an idea of how Results Day will go. Inspired by the news stories we will have all seen, students seem to fall into two …

Preparing for university: First Year vs Second Year

As results day approaches for some of my younger friends who are preparing to go to university for the first time, I started thinking about how my own preparation for going into second year is differing from last year. Academic First Year: I was busy scanning the reading list, trying to decide whether I should …

Dear incoming first years, here’s what to expect

University is supposed to be the ‘time of your life’. It’s what everyone always says. And it’s probably what you wholeheartedly believe as you spend your last summer preparing to be a freshman this fall. I bet you’ve already heard of all the people you’ll meet and places you’ll go. The things you’ll see and …

What First Year Has Taught Me

Fresher’s friendships exist During Freshers’, I met loads of lovely people and automatically assumed that each and every one of them would be my friend for the duration of the course. However, as soon as the workload began to pile up, I learned that people changed and that a presentation of someone formed within a …

A Love Letter To My First Year At Uni

Hello again! It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a chance to blog about my life at university and that’s probably because I haven’t had much of a life for the past few weeks. However, I managed to scrape through finals week which means I’ve successfully made it through one whole year at Nottingham …

First Year Reflection: A Transition

The past seven and a half months have passed by quicker than I could ever have imagined. I know I’m not exactly old, but I realise how true it is that time seems to fly by as you get older. There’s no more sitting in classrooms struggling to keep my eyes open on a Friday …

How to live the ‘not-so-broke’ student life

If you ask someone what they want most out of life, you’ll get a whole variety of answers. Love. Happiness. Education. Travel. But if you ask a university student what we want most out of our lives (as of right now, at least) and we’ll all say the same thing; money. Whether you’re saving for …

Inspired Musings of an International Student

Sometime ago I moved 4000 miles away from home to pursue a higher education at the University of Nottingham. After having watched one too many ‘coming-of-age’ movies in high school, I was extremely excited to move to a new town and make new memories. Unfortunately, as I settled into my flight, the disappearing city lights …