This year, I will have two Christmases.
December 8, 2020
It’s been a hard year. We’re at the point where we barely need to say it anymore. We all know this year has been hard on us, on everyone. But something I don’t think has been talked about enough is how it feels to miss huge family changes because you’ve not been able to travel …
Inspired Musings of an International Student
February 28, 2017
Sometime ago I moved 4000 miles away from home to pursue a higher education at the University of Nottingham. After having watched one too many ‘coming-of-age’ movies in high school, I was extremely excited to move to a new town and make new memories. Unfortunately, as I settled into my flight, the disappearing city lights …
Driving Home for Christmas
December 14, 2016
Now, don’t get me wrong: I am having the time of my life at university. However, having experienced by first 12 week term(!!!) here, I well and truly am ready to get on the first train home. University life is great but, something which I and several other people I have talked to have realised …
5 Things I’ll Miss About Living In A Student House
November 25, 2016
I could finally relate to the TV show Friends. Recently excited first and second years have been stumbling into our house, checking out the rooms and seeing if they want to rent the home. Watching them walk in, Starbucks and Unipol pamphlets in hand I am transported back to January 2015 when me and my friends ambitiously …
July 8, 2015
Yesterday I graduated from the University of Nottingham, so my undergraduate journey has officially ended! It feels really strange to say that. Fortunately, I’m sticking around in Nottingham until September to earn a bit of money, so I have a while until I’ll start getting all emotional about leaving! Here’s how my graduation day unfolded. …
A White Christmas (kinda)
December 29, 2014
It’s been two weeks since Christmas holidays have started but I have only spent 3 days in Nottingham. What have I been up to you might ask? Well for starters the Sunday after term ended I headed down to London just as an escape from Nottingham. As much as I love this little city I …
Christmas Capers
December 3, 2013
I have succumbed to Christmas cheer. As the date on my phone, ticked over or rather changed, to the 1st December the countdown to Christmas was on. As soon as I start counting it all starts to feel real. Also with my birthday thrown in between now and Christmas, deadlines and going back home the month of …
“Learning” – ish.
November 27, 2013
Wooo Christmas is soon! Yay so excited! Humbug. I don’t know about you, but for me this is a stressful period in term. Beginning to sense home is near, but there’s just so much to do before then! This week has been quite stressful, and it looks like it will continue to be. But I’m a …
Take me to Ikea!
October 14, 2013
As this was the last weekend my parents were in the UK (they head home today) we had a little family trip to Ikea. Cause what do you do when your parents are around? Any university student knows this.. You let them feed you and buy you stuff! First up was to get some food …