// Archives

Old Lives and New Beginnings

This week started off quite tough; my family’s lovely greyhound (see previous post for picture) had to be put down last Friday – he was twelve years old, and had lived a happy, comfortable life with us for 9 years, but unfortunately he had been experiencing a lot of arthritic pain and several nightly bad …

Where should I go to during my February holidays?

Hi everyone! If you haven’t realised yet, I’ve submitted my dissertation last Thursday. Yeap, no more torments from the world of Microbiology. It was a great day for the 3rd Year Medics as we all celebrated our freedom from the Honours Year Project. Well, we’re not fully freed yet since we still have our viva …

Microbiology was exhaustive and it still is

Hello everyone! I was so preoccupied with my dissertation that I didn’t have time to make a new post in this blog. Just so you know, my dissertation is near to completion. It’s not done yet but I’m getting there. The deadline is after all this Thursday. Can’t wait for it to be over! I …

It’s the start of the term!

Hello! It’s 2012 and today is the start of term! Well, not for everyone though. So I have to do a project presentation this Friday along with my other colleagues in Microbiology homebase (category). I’m actually not quite prepared yet. Additionally, I haven’t finished writing up my dissertation (a long essay about my research). It’s …

i’ve been working in a creepy place this semester

Hello people! Technically, there’s only 1 week left before the start of the holidays for most university students. But since I’m a Medic, my holidays are only going to begin in the next 2 weeks. Yeap, 23rd of December 2011 will be the official last day for all 3rd Year Medics. Well, I do have …

From Hallward to Nandos: Dissertation Nightmares to Chicken Goodness

      Hooray!! My dissertation proposal has been approved!! Words cannot describe the mammoth weight that lifted off my shoulders last Wednesday! In the Economics with Chinese stream, the dissertation is 6000-8000 words in an area related to China. By Wednesday I needed to have chosen my research topic, my dissertation title, my research …