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“at the end of the day it’s all a game isn’t it…ok it might be an important game that will be significant for the rest of your life…but exams are a game and you need to know how to play to win.” The above was some wisdom from one of my lecturers in the last …

Career Decisions

Its getting to that time, nearly 2/3 of the way through my degree that I can’t really hide from the future anymore – like it or not, this time next year I’ll be heading out in the real world, I can only put the decisions that entails off for so long. I’ve never really been …

Week of Fun.

Welcome back! …  to the most intense term of the year! Considering I put on a play in the space of 3 weeks last term, that statement makes me extremely nervous. Yet with exams and coursework deadlines approaching at the speed of light, it make sense. However, before I lock myself out of Facebook and …

Team Arts

Impact Elections 2013. Time to welcome in the new era of editors and it’s safe to say a lot of us were in denial about having to give up our roles…or we were probably just depressed because we had to take our team photo in the rain. Flashbacks of last year crept in as the …

Essential Mobile Apps For Uni

NCT Buses This app provides real-time data on bus arrival times. So you can leave your house or Uni when the bus is on its way, rather than wait unnecessarily in the cold. You can save your favourite stops too, so it literally takes seconds to check when your bus is coming. Great for you …

1kg of meat to knock you off your feet!

My room is in a relatively clean state which can only mean one thing. It’s the start of the term and there hasn’t been enough time, no matter how hard I’ve tried, to be too messy! Exams are again on the horizon but as lectures wind down and the beautiful thing called free time racks …

Mountains, Mao’s House & the Tomb Sweeping Festival

The end of my second week in China was a little less hectic than previous days but I still managed two mountains and a festival. The first mountain, Mt. Mogan, required clambering out of bed very early and onto a bus as it was a good three hour journey away from Hangzhou city. Once arrived …


Guess who’s back? Back again? Sarah’s back…there’s no need for you to inform to your friends, however. Opening the blog with a Eminem reference…I am so down with the kidz – I mean, please take note of the use of “z,” evidently I am some kind of spelling maverick. *shifty eyes* So, as you may …

Portugal Field Course

So here I am, after a week’s recovery in my own bed, two days waiting for my bag to get back from Lisbon and a cheeky trip to Sandhurst to play netball, I’m finally getting the chance to sit down and write properly about the Portugal Field Course. * * * A week watching crab …

Vomit Pools & Silk Markets

As I entered my second week in the People’s Republic of China I became more accustomed to the Chinese way of life, both within the university and further afield. My mandarin and academic classes as well as the programme as a whole seemed to greatly increase in intensity as the new week began. This said …