April 28, 2013, by Kiran
Team Arts
Impact Elections 2013. Time to welcome in the new era of editors and it’s safe to say a lot of us were in denial about having to give up our roles…or we were probably just depressed because we had to take our team photo in the rain.
Flashbacks of last year crept in as the Arts section elections approached and I found myself feeling nervous for the candidates! However, hearing everyone’s new ideas and seeing their enthusiasm, I think next year is going to be an even better one for Impact.
With such tough competition, it’s a shame we couldn’t create positions for everybody but in one crazy twist, there was a happy ending! United on the direction they wanted to take the magazine, for the first time ever Impact will be lead by not one Editor in Chief but two! After three recounts, it was confirmed that each candidate had received the exact same number of votes and now Impact has their very own dream team.

Editor in Chief making his speech
After the elections, editors old and new flocked to La Tasca for the food and festivities to commence where it all then got a bit sentimental as the speeches began. Cue the awwws and the cheers and the tears and the slight panic I felt when I thought all the editors were going to have to make a speech.
However, logically, seeing as the elections had taken six hours I don’t think everyone was going to stick around at La Tasca for another six hours listening to us all reminisce about the great year we’ve had. Just in case though, I did write a panicky quick draft of what I would’ve said. I’m really sorry to make you endure my slightly soppy nostalgic ramblings but at least it’s not too long:
‘We’re Arts but we never bought too much drama (blah, no too cheesy!) I’m really going to miss biscuits at section meetings, or rather promising biscuits at section meetings to lure people to come to the meetings! I’m sure Eve Wersocki Morris and Alice Child will do an awesome job being next year Arts Editors but I am really going to miss working with my co-editor and friend Lauren Wilson.’
Apologies again but I really have loved being a part of the Impact editorial team and wish next year’s team the best of luck…not that they probably need it. I tell you, this sentimentality is contagious!
In other less soppy arty news:
1. Before I left home to lug my suitcase on a train all the way back to Nottingham, on behalf of myself I made a cake for myself to say goodbye to myself. I did not actually eat the entire cake by myself though….that’s just too far. Yes it looks as if it was decorated by a 4 year old and it crumbled at the sides but at least you could tell it was home made!
2. Sat on the tube last week, two men ran into the carriage, one wielding a guitar and one fashioning a violin. Apologising for being late they proceeded to burst into song. Performing three songs, all lasting the time it takes to get from one stop to the next, the carriage burst into applause and we were audience to a spontaneous concert. They jumped off the tube and all returned to normal.
p.s. While I still can though, I might as well plug a competition Impact Arts is running to win two tickets to see Noises Off at the Theatre Royal. You can all enter here: http://www.impactnottingham.com/2013/04/competition-win-a-pair-of-tickets-for-noises-off-theatre-royal/ (and then if you win, please take me!)
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