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The Search for Robin Hood

Three years in Nottingham and I had been an awful tourist; no jumper tied around the waist, no asking the locals to take my picture in front of the Castle and no sightings of Robin Hood! To be fair I was pretty sure Mr Hood had taken up his retirement and started selling jacket potatoes in …

University Blues

It’s all quiet on the home front. Well of course there is always something to do but after weeks of counting down til the end of term I’m already counting down til the start of the next term. Since being home I’ve caught up with friends but being stranded in the Shire without a car …

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

Hello, and welcome to my final blog. *wipes away tear* My 3 years at University have ended, and what amazing three years they have been! I still remember my very first day – a bit overwhelming meeting so many new people and realising that Nottingham was my new home for the next few years. Not …


The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the ice cream is calling – you’re lying back relaxing for your summer holiday… And I’m blogging.   You may be thinking – what on earth are you doing Sarah? Blogging in the holidays? I thought it had finished! Well sorry to disappoint but I’m here for …

Graduation & Gowns

This moment seemed so far away three years ago but today I find myself in my Graduation robes, hat at the ready and about to graduate from the University of Nottingham. I know it’s a cliché but seriously where has all the time gone?! Oh well, here we go…     My hat is a …

Signing Off

Hello dear readers, if you’re still out there. It is more likely you are holidaying on some golden beach or undergoing an internship; or at the very least enjoying your summer holiday way too much to be surfing blogs. On the other hand, we are all part of Generation Y, permanently plugged in to the …


There are according to a thesaurus I just found 12 common variants of the word Goodbye, including swan song, ‘Ollie Steels’ swan song blog’ might be a bit too dramatic but it has a good ring to it. Luckily for me it’s not going to be my swan song nor godspeed or goodbye. It’s farewell …

My Uni Top 10

There have been a lot of ‘last EVER’ moments this week. Everyone is starting to get emotional. Everyone is starting to leave. With everyone then being infected by the sentimentality bug I’ve decided it is indeed time to reminisce so here is my countdown of  my top 10 university highlights: 10. Being a Student Blogger Starting …

Gemma the Explorer

It’s so strange to think that today is my last ever day in Nottingham (bar coming back for a day next week for a wedding.) Still have packing to do, but nearly there. A bit late after having 3 years to accomplish this, but my housemate and I finally hopped on the bus to make …

Ladding in London

Do you like Shakespeare? Do you like Merlin? Then you’ll love seeing Colin Morgan as Ariel in the Tempest! Points to anyone who got this reference: So I had a lovely weekend visiting my friend Carrie-Anne in Maidenhead I slept in one of the most comfy beds I’ve ever slept in:   Ate some of …