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I’m on Air: The Making of a Radio Play

Not many people know it but I am a certified voice actor – I didn’t even know it myself until the head of URN radio drama asked me to be in a rather amusing radio play called ‘Society Rules’. The first episode, ‘Let Them Eat Cake’, was broadcast last Saturday – I was broadcast last …

The C word: part II

A few weeks ago Olivia wrote about the C-word, that time it was coursework, this time it’s Christmas. The Christmas lights were turned on in Nottingham last night to coincide with the opening of the ‘Christmas Wonderland’ in Market Square. I was quite impressed, there were even fireworks and it got me into the festive …

What are you afraid of?

When I was little, fears were powerful, and somewhat ridiculous. I was scared of this: Masked Celtic warriors of rival tribes, dancing eachother to death in the sinister world of gang warfare, Michael Flatley and Riverdance. Irish history – what could inspire more fear? I was also scared of this guy:   …Well he did …

The Plot Thickens

The first, of what I hope will be many, Cluedo Nights occurred on Thursday. I promised you something interesting would be in this weeks blog, didn’t I? So who did it, with what and where? Mrs. White, Dagger in the Library and Colonel Mustard, Revolver in the Ballroom. To be honest with you I didn’t get the answer …

Associate Editors: The Hottest Show on TV

Last Wednesday, Impact held elections for associate editor positions for various sections – including Arts. So, at four o’clock I toddled along to the office feeling excited, expectant and a little nervous. The elections weren’t so much elections but rather intense interviews; the candidates came in one by one and did a little speech then …

13 emotional states of University

University. The time of your life. Or rather, a time in your life. I find that dictating how you’re “meant” to feel about something is never really helpful. We feel how we feel, then we have to recognise it and handle it and manage it. A typical example is Fresher’s week – it’s so hyped …

Birthday Bonanzas

Mid-November is nearly here and with it comes the midpoint of the term and time for a quick reflection! I remember writing in first year about how I felt time was flying and then the next week talking about how I felt I’d been away from home for ages and the term was so long. As a …

Nine Signs of Essay Mania

There has already been a couple of blogs concerning essays, coursework, that-nibbling-feeling-of-guilt-in-the-back-of-your-mind-when-you’re-watching-TV (whatever you want to call it) but I really couldn’t not write on it – it has, for the last week at least, taken over my life! Now, why nine sings, you might well ask, why not ten, a good round numbered ten? …

An almost interesting dissertation…

The Dissertation, the 10000 word monster that lurks waiting for you in 3rd year, ready to consume all your time and energy! The funny thing about dissertations is that they are such personal and complex bits of work that nobody understands anybody else’s dissertation. I am in the midst of tackling this monster and as …

Actually having actual fun

So Praise the Lord I am in much better health this week! And I have done a fair few fun things 🙂 I went to Gourmet Burger Kitchen and ate a massive meal with friends! (Just to clarify, on my own wouldn’t have been so great…) The standard things is to get side dishes….but really …