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Awkward Encounters

The old home neighbourhood – a place full of memories, familiar coffee shops and people from school who you know, well the you-know-sort-of-but-kind-of-not-really-know-but-sat-next-to-them-in-class people. When you do run into these people you experience a strange feeling – nostalgia mixed with panic. You could act cool, a brief ‘Hi. How are you? Cool. Bye’ routine of …

My F.A. Cup Away Day

On my last day before returning to Nottingham to start the dreaded pre-exam revision frenzy, I ticked something off all football fans’ bucket list, an F.A. Cup away day!   As a Reading F.C. fan, I dreamt of glamorous away trips to Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge before the draw was made, unfortunately my trip …

Define holiday…

Happy New Year everyone!   It has been two weeks since my last blog, as we have had Christmas and New Year on the Wednesdays in between, and the holiday has been MANIC. Christmas is always so busy I find, seeing family and friends and all the cooking and work that has to fit in …

A Festive End

The last time I blogged there were many festivities to be celebrated and now I bring you a blog about those festivities as the other events on the horizon exams don’t bare thinking about. Christmas was as ever, lovely and I filled up on lots of food and spent great time with family. I couldn’t help but feel …

Harry Potter Battleships

A significant sign that it’s a New Year: there are more diet adverts on TV. The New Year is a strange invention. It’s a bit like birthdays. One day follows the other as usual but, for some reason, the next day feels like a, well, a whole year later. It could be any day in …

Extra-terrestrial Christmas

When I was in lower Secondary School, years 7-8, my teachers would sometimes use a certain metaphor to try and get us to explain better in essays: ‘imagine you’re writing it to someone who has no knowledge of the subject like – like an alien’. And so, stimulated by the imaginative motivation of my old …

The Birthday Adventure

“Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a Steels’, the words came easy written without fear, in hopes that his readers should enjoy what he bears. Ollie was nestled all snug on his bed, whilst his laptop whirred and as he read back what he’d …

An Unusual Christmas

  This year will be the first Christmas I’ve spent away from home and my parents. It’s not all bad though because I at least have my sister and I still get to spend time with family. I guess it’s quite nice to know that thousands of miles away from home there is still nothing quite …

Christmas: The Movie; or, A Question of Genre

Back home for Christmas. And the lists have been written up. Lists for the Christmas party; Christmas decorations; baking ingredients; still-to-buy presents; and (most importantly) what-films-to-watch.  Films. Movies. Whenever I think of the Christmas holidays I think of slumping on the sofa and watching a family film. For some people it’s TV series and, I …

A Recipe for Christmas

  Primary school regression – right there. So it was a very busy last week of term, and as it’s that time of year I’ve written my happenings as a recipe. So if you want to make Sarah’s Christmas SB Stew read on: 1. Start with your family traditional christmas music – the groovier the …