Writer’s Block
April 20, 2014
Laptop plonked on desk, enjoying the friendly company of a cup of tea and a biscuit. Fingers poised above the keyboard. There’s just one thing missing. The writing. No matter how hard I stare at the page. Change the font. Underline. Bold. Underline and bold. Inspiration, the fiery muse, ain’t gunna sing anytime soon. Unlike Milton, …
Listing my life
April 16, 2014
Discoveries I have made this week: 1. The non term-time hopper bus timetable. Do you like waiting? Do you enjoy gnawing hunger in the evenings? Do you enjoy randomly walking around because all Uni shops are closed? Well you’re in luck! We bring you the non term time hopper bus timetable- now even more inconvenient! …
Que sera, sera!
April 15, 2014
After arriving home on Saturday after a manic day of late night coursework and even later last minute packing I crawled into my bed and set my alarm for 5:30am. It was painful to see 5 hours 27 minutes flash up on the screen, as my phone likes to torment me with how little sleep …
How to Make Cards Without Money
April 13, 2014
A friend’s birthday is an inevitability; the more friends you have the greater the chance of upcoming birthdays. Now you will need to find some kind of offering to present them with – a token, a symbol of your friendship and an unspoken contract that they’d better get you something when it’s your turn. So is …
Firsts and Lasts
April 10, 2014
It has been an incredibly hectic week, full some exciting things and also some sad things! Even in my final term at University I am still doing some things for the first time! Globall is the Geography Society’s annual ball and I attended it for the first on Tuesday night. It was an incredible night, …
Having more fun(gi) in Sheffield!
April 9, 2014
Do you like food that’s sustainable? Locally sourced? Free? Healthy?* You should try: WALL MUSHROOMS TM Growing from the already present moisture in your kitchen- wall mushrooms (TM) are a low maintenance way to get your 5 a day! Wall mushrooms (TM) – are also absolutely free as you don’t have to pay for spores …
Time For Change
This last week just past was the BioSoc AGM. Where a new committee is elected for the next year. It was time for me to relinquish my role as treasurer and hand on the financial reins to another, young, fresh faced charge. Very sad times indeed, if it wasn’t for the fact I was running …
Hard-Headed Journalist
April 5, 2014
Today I was a hard-headed (or is it hot-head?) journalist. I had an appointment at the Playhouse to interview the artistic director about the county council cuts for an upcoming Impact article. And so I went armed with recording device, notebook and coffee: the three wise-men necessities of the journalistic world. I believe this was …
HMS Awesome
April 2, 2014
This week, my soundtrack would have been flight of the bumblebee. It has been crazy busy. This has been good from a distraction-y point of view but less from a quality of life-y angle. Oh well. Case in point: my eye. There were some bright points though! My friend who studied musical theatre in London was …
The Phantom of the Opera is My Essay
March 28, 2014
There’s something very satisfying when I realise you can write one of your final university essays on Lloyd Webber’s ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. And that is exactly what I am going to be doing for my third year module ‘Theatre Industry and Theatre Art’ – which I used to abbreviate as TATI, which I thought …