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So I’m back. This can only mean one thing. Exams are looming…like a looming thing on national looming day. Looming is a funny word- not used all that often. So I’ve been doing lots of revision. Well….watching Eurovision, that basically counts right? Making the word Eurovision out of flaked almonds is surprisingly hard. I got …

Student Life video: hear your bloggers speak…

You’ve read their inner thoughts on this very Student Life blog, now it’s time to hear your student bloggers talk and laugh and move. Has Ben ever been recognised from the blog? What’s Sarah’s favourite fruit? Is that really Ollie’s “surprised face”? Meet your student life bloggers…

Dreaming Up Lists Again

Life after deadlines shimmers in the distance. My relationship with that final deadline and the freedom beyond is a conflicted one; on the one hand I can’t wait to stop working but, then again, I’m wishing time would slow down so I have more time to deal with all my work! But the post-deadline world …

My first (unexpected) business trip

Last Wednesday I received an email from AB InBev, who is a global beer company responsible for brands such as Corona, Stella Artois and Budweiser, about my application to their graduate scheme. I had completed a telephone interview a few weeks prior to this email and had all but given up hope on getting through …


Well, we had Easter.   This is over: Which I am both happy, and sad about. And this has begun:   Revision. Although I’m not that bad. …Yet. I think being at home without access to my cafetiere is part of it. At the moment it feels quite hard to revise as there seems so …

Motivation, wherefore art thou!

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the summer, and Exams is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and come now at once, For I am already sick and pale with grief. For revision is not happening, and in its place I find procrastination, a much easier gift to thee. It has been …

Write Two Poems

Today I thought it might be nice to share my attempts at poetry for my third year module Creative Writing in a Contemporary Context. The module was offered to English undergraduates, giving us a chance to try a new medium in our final year, and was divided into poetry and proses. In our first seminar …

Posh Food

I am not especially greedy but I do harbour a secret love for cooking programmes. I love the tension of will-they-get-it-out-on-time, the cliff-hanger editing, the dramatic music which makes watching someone scramble eggs makes the experience akin to the final chase sequence in ‘Agro’! The cookery show is slowly becoming the new crime thriller. I’m …

Ski Trip 2014

The phrase “BEST WEEK EVAAA” was said a lot by students to describe the recent Uni Ski Trip to Val Thorens. Indeed, I was one of those because it really was one of the best weeks of my life. Since our return we have flooded Facebook with pictures from the trip, so I thought I …

Sun, Tapestries and French Culture!

Hope all of you had a lovely Easter yesterday with lots of Easter eggs! I have been absent from the internet as I have just returned from a trip to Angers. Angers is a city in the west of France. I had this lovely opportunity as the School of Pharmacy at this university has a …