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Dot To Dot Festival

I’ve been busy with exams over the past few weeks, which thankfully are finished now, so there’s a lot to catch up on. Dot To Dot festival is one of my favourite days of the year and the 25th May was no exception. With a fantastic line-up showcasing some of the best up and coming …

Guten Tag: a student holiday to Germany

Hallo! Sprecken zie English? “Nein” … Bitte? Pretty bitte with cherries on top?   *awkward silence*   Ok so I’ve been on a post-exams trip to Germany. It was awesome. But people tend to assume I’m a local and I did 8 weeks of German 9 years ago. So obviously I’m fluent. My German = rude …

A Play About Krapp: Before

Now that assessments are over my time has been taken up with helping with an upcoming New Theatre play: Krapp’s Last Tape. I have exchanged academia for art and pens for props. I’m there, officially, as the stage manager but I’ve been doing various odd jobs, like helping make the set – mostly painting boxes …

Sorry I Can’t Hear You…

….. over the sound of my freedom!! You may not want to read this if you aren’t done with exams yet. It may make you slightly jealous. Sorry. I don’t make the rules (or set the exam timetable). I know freedom doesn’t have a sound. Or does it? Does internally screaming count? (I couldn’t scream …

It’s OVER!

So I’ve finished my degree.   Wait, What?!   I’VE FINISHED MY DEGREE AHHHHHHHH *runs in circles jumping and fist pumping*   I had two practical exams, a presentation and a beast of a written exam on life, the Universe and everything and they were all pretty awful. We turned to food for comfort: And …

Freedom Thy Name is Cake

Tea and cake are two of the most wonderful creations in British history. They are, in a way, icons of Britishness – but why? Other countries make beautiful cake – and tea isn’t even grown in Britain! I guess that’s what this country is all about, taking wonderful inventions from other places and mixing them …

Service interruption due to error 404

*Nasal voice* Hello this is a customer announcement. We regret to inform you that your weekly viewing of Sarah’s student life blog has been interrupted by the exam period. In stead please enjoy some random musings below and this dated but still awesome video of some gansta boys:     A limerick for our times …

Let me explain myself

Everyone has a style. Unfortunately my style is a little bit unorthodox and so is therefore shunned by everyone I’ve tried to introduce to it. Over the last 6 years, GCSE’s, A-Levels and now University exams my revision skills have been honed, from starting out as a meticulous note maker, perfectly copying the textbook into …

Beating the Revision-Monday Blues

Tired of revision? Yeah me too. This is not my favourite time of year. I mean I love that summer is approaching but what good is it if I am stuck in my room or Hallward all day without being able to enjoy the glorious sunshine? Thank goodness we only have to stick it out …

Give Me a Mood and I’ll Give You a Movie

People say that their music choice depends on their mood. So true. You wouldn’t pump up the Beach Boys if you’d just been dumped or if you were feeling excessively hostile towards all things sunny. For me, though, I think that my movie choices are just as dependent upon my mood. And so I thought …