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5 (more) Ways to Stay Sane during Revision

1. Get a change of scene I find that a change of scene helps a little in making revision a little more bearable. It could be something as simple as going outside, or going over to a friend’s place to study. Those of you going to the library might have become attached that one seat. …

The New Government: Some Predictions

Yesterday’s election must go down as a complete victory for David Cameron, in a day he has: . 1. Won a national majority. 2. Seen the leaders of all three of the largest nationwide opposition parties resign. 3. Removed a number of key figures (Ed Balls, Vince Cable) useful for stabilising the, now leaderless, opposition …

I did it my way

This week I’m hoping to ease your exam anxieties by telling you what I’ve learned about revising now I’m a… err… wise and mature final year. The key message – do things your way! Revise WHEN you want I was talking to a friend of mine recently who’s a lark (someone who gets up early). …

Varsity: Ice Ice Baby

The atmosphere was tense. The gameplay was rough and competitive. And, of course, there were winners and losers. And that was just buying the tickets…   Having friends organised enough and willing to wait for the Box Office Tickets page to load, last night I watched the Varsity Ice Hockey match in the Capital FM …

Election 2015: A guide from the perplexed

With all this political to-ing and fro-ing going on (literally, in terms of David Cameron’s journeys up and down the country; and metaphorically, in terms of argumentative TV debates), it can be difficult to decide which party to go for – particularly if, like me, this is your first time voting in a general election. …

Scotland: not actually that cold

I didn’t think the sun shone in Scotland, so how silly did I feel with my knitted jumper, coat and scarf last weekend. With most of my ‘home’ friends studying across the border, I thought it was time to scale the Pennines (via Virgin trains) and finally visit Edinburgh, welcomed by bright spring sunshine.   …

Hallward vs. Home

The Easter egg chocolate has dwindled away, sunny days are being spent indoors and I’m all out of ways to avoid the dreaded coursework that needs to be done. As a final form of procrastination, I’m weighing up working in the library versus working at home today!   Home No one will ask you to watch …

Hello from Cornwall!

This last week I have been in Cornwall, in order to have a bit of a break before revision for summer exams seriously gets underway (sigh). To deserve the time off, I mainly spent the first week of the holidays finishing off and editing the first complete draft of my dissertation. As that’s not very interesting, …

Escape to the country

  Deadlines are hurtling towards you. Summer seems like an unreachable mirage. And yes, you just really can’t be bothered to clean the kitchen anymore. The answer? Escape to the country: Peak District edition. Because sometimes, you’ve just got to get out of Lenton…   My dad and I stayed at the foot of Kinder …

We Meat Once Again

So this past Friday my parents flew in to the UK to visit my sister and I over Easter break. Needless to say I am now being spoiled rotten. My mom has not stopped cooking since she got here and my sister and I haven’t stopped eating. The deliciousness included Malaysian chicken curry and Bak …