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A Few Things I’m Missing About Uni

In the days leading up to Christmas I made a post about what I was looking forward to about going home. Now that I’m at home, it only seems right to make a post about what I’m missing back at uni…   1: Sainsbury’s on Derby Road It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, you …

Remember the important things

There’s one thing that we’re victim to at this time of year. It’s hiding under the bed, it’s looming above the mirror, and it lurks around every corner: beware the cunning complacency. It’s not surprising really; after a whole hectic term of hard work, especially come the final few days, every student feels spent (in …

Please don’t make me graduate

I have decided to run away and become a milkmaid. Preferably somewhere near Toulouse or Carcassonne, but I’m not too picky to be honest – wherever a cow needs me, I’ll be there. Whenever I have a big decision to make, the fantasy of becoming a modern day Tess of the D’Ubervilles resurfaces (conveniently forgetting …

Dear 2016…

  Even though Christmas is still a week away, I thought I’d look beyond Christmas and to the New Year. As students we will all definitely have a couple of New Year’s resolutions, so I have picked out the ones that will definitely be on your list for 2016 and how long they’ll realistically last. …

The TV to watch instead of revising this Christmas

For those with exams in January, the joy of going home for the holidays is slightly tainted by the ever looming guilty feeling that you should be revising rather than pigging out on advent calandars and watching Love Actually for the twelth time. Well, what if I told you that you could have it both …

May the Christmas spirit be with you

Here it is. The day we’ve been patiently waiting for. Everywhere you go, you can hear the music blasting in your ears. So close i can practically taste it… The release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is imminent and words cannot describe the pure liquid hype that is coursing through my veins. I realise …

“Home” for the holidays

Christmas break has arrived! It’s the first holiday for first years; a time when every fresher has to grapple with one simple (or, not so simple) word: home. Many students say they’re going ‘home for the holidays’, meaning that they’ll be returning to their parents’ or family’s house. Yet confusion then arises in what to …

Why I’m Looking Forward to Christmas at Home

  It is officially the season to be jolly. Christmas trees are being erected, the market is in full slow, shoppers are still manically rampaging through Black Friday’s leftovers in an effort to scrape together their Christmas shopping. Us restless students have finally handed in our Decemeber deadlines and are free of Hallward and George Green, …

✈️ ‘Embrace uncertainty – it keeps life interesting’ ✈️

We exist as creatures of habit; we adopt routines in everyday life to help us create structure and to keep us sane when life gets chaotic. However, routines can make us miss the small opportunities that surround us. Let’s take university for example – we spend countless hours commuting back and forth, perhaps taking the …


Amidst dissertation work, essay writing and everything else that characterises final year of uni, I’m helping out with this year’s English Showcase. Extra responsibility in my busiest year? I know. But it’s actually helping with my sanity a bit, since I’m forced to interact with others instead of spending the whole day talking to books …