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Back to life, back to reality

I just finished my exams on Saturday and now it’s already back to lectures?! Where’s the two-month holiday? None of that for this term, we have all had to adapt pretty quickly and get back into the swing of things. However, I know for me it has been really difficult to get back into a …

3 Must Read Books For Students

Like many of you out there, I am an avid reader and so I have dedicated this particular entry to recommending 3 of the best books for students. Of course this is the opinion of just one 20 year old biology student and so if you have any suggestions or improvements please feel free to …

5 reasons why Refreshers is better than Freshers

Exam season is officially OVER! Cue the return of socialising and going out – after the million hours of sleep to catch up on, of course. It’s not called refreshers for nothing; and instead of seeing the week as a calmed-down version of freshers (a reflection of your own student progression), here’s why refreshers week …

“Do Something Different”

When I first came to the University of Nottingham, I was a visionary. I had decided before I even got there I would dip my toes in gymnastics or skydiving or other sports I’d never tried; that I’d be part of a handful of societies; and that I’d try things out that I’d never get …

? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? ?

So many of you probably clicked on this link, wondering what the title means. It’s a quote from Confucius (孔夫子), which loosely translates to “to have friends come from afar is happiness, is it not?”. It’s one of the first quotes I le

Surviving University as an Introvert

Watching Antoinette’s latest video about her Autumn semester made me realise how different her first term was from mine. Whilst she was looking forward to coming back to uni after the Christmas holidays, and seemed to have fully got herself involved in university life, by the end of my first term, I was an emotionally exhausted …

Surviving the exam room

Welcome to January exam season 2016! Having just about survived a 3 hour exam this morning, I thought I’d write about how to cope in that dreaded exam room. Although I did make it out the other side, it wasn’t a pretty battle.   Wake up for the exam Yes this isn’t technically about exam conditions, …

New Term, New Me (lol jk)

Disclaimer to future employers: I am not actually like this. This is a sketch. Please hire me. Dear Diary,  I can’t wait to write in your fresh pages everyday. I’m going to write especially neatly in you. This is a new start. Maybe I’ll write some inspirational quotes at the top of each page, get …

The Forgotten Season

The festivities have come to an end, the rain has been torrential and unrelenting, the threat of exams is mentally crushing every student south of Canning Circus. This post is to remind you that not all is lost, there is light at the end of the tunnel, even darkness must pass. And to help soothe …

How to beat the January blues

It’s the same scenario every year. January has hit: dank, dark days, regretful (well, regret-fuelled) diets and the unwelcome resumption of everyday life after the festive utopia.  Add to that a foreboding few months of uninterrupted studying plus a handful of looming exams and the outlook is bleak. In such a situation it’s all too …