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Revision fuel

  Following on from my previous blog about what to listen to when revising, we now turn to the next complication when studying: what to eat?! Many people have told us that we need to eat right in order to fuel our brain to keep working, but what does this actually mean?   Eat like …

Escaping The Procrastination Station

It’s that time of year again. Close enough to exams to feel like you should be doing work, but not quite close enough to be driven by panic to actually do the work. So instead you spend hours doing Buzzfeed quizzes on which season of Friends it is based on Monica’s kitchen. Or wondering what …

Nottingham Pride

I don’t know if it’s the fact I’ve been away for a month and distance has made my heart grow fond but I am feeling particularly patriotic about my university this week. Don’t get me wrong I’ve always had a deeply routed sense of superiority about Nottingham when speaking to friends from other uni’s, not …

My UoN highlights: #1 Learning a Language

As third year draws to a reluctant (and panicky) end, more and more I find my nostalgic finalist self wistfully reminiscing upon the highlights of my years at UoN. One of the most fun and most important experiences of my studenthood has been learning Dutch. We English are famed for only speaking, well… English. And not even …

#MeantToBe more than friends

You could find more than just your BFF at university. These two have won £50 for sharing their story in the UoNVideoBox as part of our #MeantToBe competition. To enter our #MeantToBe competition you need to share your pic and story on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #MeantToBe and tag @uniofnottingham. Or you can drag …

Finding the Perfect Birthday Present

Unless you’re some kind of birthday prodigy, getting presents  can be one of life’s most challenging tasks. Throughout the year you’ll be browsing through shops and high-streets and accidentally stumble across the perfect gift for so-and-so or something that what’s-his-face would absolutely love… but when it’s actually the week before their birthday your mind draws …

Oedipus – behind the scenes

In this guest blog post, Ella Hiscock tells us what it’s like to be part of the crew of the Oedipus production at Nottingham Lakeside Arts. Each year, The Nottingham New Theatre and Nottingham Lakeside Arts team up to produce a professional and original performance. So far, there has been an eclectic range of plays, including Dr …

The Ultimate Revision Playlist

  Revising in total silence is incredibly dangerous for me. Firstly I get bored and just turn to my phone when it’s quiet. I tried one week to revise without any music or noise and I went crazy. So music makes me sane, but it has to be certain types of music during the different …

Stranded… but not forgotten

Oh China, the only place that would have tourist buses to the Great Wall, but no tourist buses back. Okay… I admit we did get a little adventurous and decided to venture out to a deserted part of the wall 120km outside of Beijing, (金山岭 if

Who needs a grad job when you can do all this…?!

Your Bachelor’s Degree title is creeping ever closer, and instead of relishing the thought of putting BA or BSc after your name, you’re wishing you had another year because, quite frankly, real life is scary. No? Just me? Ok then, let’s just pretend I tried and failed to get a grad job; like many other …