April 7, 2016, by Dushy

The Ultimate Revision Playlist


Revising in total silence is incredibly dangerous for me. Firstly I get bored and just turn to my phone when it’s quiet. I tried one week to revise without any music or noise and I went crazy. So music makes me sane, but it has to be certain types of music during the different stages of revision for me.


Stage 1: Going through lecture notes for the first time

I have to admit (like every student) we never understand a full lecture, so when looking over content for the first time I need to fully concentrate. During this time I listen to something called “Celestial White noise” on YouTube. To describe it just think of the background noise in an airplane. It’s not distracting for me to sing along to but it also does not keep me in complete silence.

Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 21.39.38

10 hours of the stuff!

Stage 2: Making notes

Since I have already been through the material and “should” understand everything, writing notes is pretty easy comparing to stage 1. For this stage I listen to any normal music or sometimes the radio. However sometimes I do get distracted by the chit chat on the radio or start singing along to some songs. Sorry to anyone who witnessed my singing in George Green!


Stage 3: Doing questions for the first time

This stage is the tricky bit, as I actually have to apply what I have learnt to questions. Because my memory is awful, I listen to classical music at this stage so I can focus on finding the facts in my brain and not get distracted by singing along. But with classical music there is still a melody to dance to if I get the question right. Although sometimes I have had the same playlist on repeat for a long time and I start humming along to Mozart.

Thanks Leo!

Thanks Leo!

Stage 4: Past papers

For the final part I have learnt everything (yeah we all know that’s a lie, but I know most of it), so to celebrate the end of this process I dip into my guilty pleasures. Right now I am in to musical soundtracks such as: Wicked and The Lion King, but I am getting a bit bored of it, so bring on S Club 7 and Busted!

Reach for the stars, more like reach for your degree! (I'll stop with the bad jokes)

Reach for the stars, more like reach for your degree! (Ok, I’ll stop with the bad jokes)

Posted in Dushy