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Applying for Jobs: What I Think and What I Should Actually Think

After handing in my last piece of coursework a couple of weeks ago, I have begun seriously dwelling on what the next steps of my life will be. Naturally, this topic has come up in more than one conversation. “You’re finished?” some ask. “What are you going to do now?” “So have you started looking …

What To Do In A Heatwave!

As you may have noticed, it’s been pretty hot for the last few days! If you couldn’t tell from the temperature, a few tell-tale signs of a heatwave in Britain include: the BBQ section of the supermarket selling out overnight, the people next door have inexpliably found a paddling pool from somewhere, literally everyone you …

5 Apps To Get You Through Exam Season

It’s that time of the year again when exam season starts rolling in and everyone tries their hardest to cram in a terms worth of knowledge. At times like this, your smart phone can become a hindrance, the perfect way to procrastinate. Through my time procrastinating on the app store I have compiled a list of …

A Levels Vs Final Year Exams

We are now less than 2 weeks to go until our fate is decided. Yes I know it’s a bit dramatic, but to me these last few exams really do decide my future (deep breaths, it’s all going to be ok!). The last time I faced exams as important as these were 3 years ago …

The Miracle of Leicester City

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 6 months it may have been brought to your attention that there has been an upset of gigantic proportions in this year’s Premier League. Over the last 2 decades only 4 different teams have won the premiership (Manchester United, Arsenal, Manchester City, Chelsea) so …

On Creativity and Science

A bit of an unusual post today, particularly in the midst of this manic revision time but this is something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently, which is probably because I’m majorly procrastinating. What I want to address today is the relationship between creativity and science. Most people think of science as a strictly …

My uni highlights #2: Special Subject

Undoubtedly the most engaging, inspiring, pivotal and enjoyable academic aspect of university for me has been my third year special subject. ‘What’s a special subject?’, I hear you ask. Well, the 40 credit full-year intense module is both specialist in that it is a niche field, and also holds a special place in my heart …

Stages of Writing an Essay

I have been in complete essay mode over the last month, writing an accumulative total of 18,000 words. Now that I’ve emerged on the other side, I think it’s safe to say I’ve become relatively well-versed in the stages of writing an essay…   First of all, there’s the Planning stage. A teacher once told …

5 Things To Do When You’re Having A Stress Meltdown

As exam season rolls around once more stress levels around campus are rising. With coursework deadlines and looming exams it’s easy to become overwhelmed by your workload. Here are some quick tips to help reduce your stress. Make a list (but don’t get distracted!) Having a to-do list really helps me to prioritise what I …

Slovenia: 8 Reasons You Should Visit

With my last Easter holiday break having come and gone, I thought it was wise that I took a break from revision to travel to a new country. I headed to the sunny side of the Alps a.k.a Slovenia. Don’t know where it is? Neither did I until I booked this holiday. It’s a small country nestled between …