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5 Top Tips for Train Travel

Once Upon a Time I was a very naive student who thought that taking the train would be a simple task, you get on at one stop and then off at the other – but I turned out to be very wrong. Taking the train is an art form, a craft that I have developed through …

What to do when you’re FREE!!!

2 weeks I ago, I finished my final exam ever and I was set free back into the non-revising world. Where have these last two weeks gone, I have no idea. And to think in another 2 weeks I’ll be told my results, I do not like it. However if you are just finishing up …

4 of the Best Bars in Nottingham

This is a guide for those of you who don’t really understand the appeal of fist pumping to the latest mind scrambling rave anthem in a dark sweaty room and would rather have a nice relaxed pint in a bar with a couple of friends. In no particular order here are my favourite bars in …

How I Survived The Library

Exams are thankfully over for me, but before I got to this point, I was in the deep depths of.. THE LIBRARY. Almost every day of the past two and a half weeks of my life were spent in the George Green Library cramming prepping for my last ever exams. I was pretty serious about this …

NUS: In or Out?

The Brexit debate isn’t the only referendum that students face in the upcoming weeks; another ‘In or Out?’ campaign revolves around student union membership of the NUS. From Wednesday 1st June until Thursday 9th June, Nottingham students will be able to vote ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘abstain’ in response to the question, ‘Should the University of …

Dear Prospective Dissertation-ers

Dear Prospective Dissertation-ers, While my degree might be slightly different to yours –  you might be conducting an experiment in a lab, examining the theory of something I’ll never understand, delving into the history of a past event or reviewing a piece of literature – there is still some kind of ominous dissertation looming in …

Go Enjoy Nature!

Recently I’ve found a way to undercut some of that seemingly never-ending exam stress, and it’s right here on campus! Every time I go outside in University Park I’m slightly awestruck and without fail I comment, “Oh my god this campus is beautiful! How much did we luck out coming here?” From the lake, to …

Nottingham’s LGBT-friendly venues

Queer culture can sometimes be hard to find; as are venues where LGBT+ individuals feel safe to be completely themselves. For the undiscerning observer or those new to the scene, finding a spot to feel comfortable going on a date, or out with mates can be tricky. As well as the fab community offered by …

Desserts is stressed spelled backwards

It’s Mental Health Awareness week and considering that most of us are drowning in post-it notes, revision timetables and past-papers-from-hell, it seems a suitable time to pay attention to our stress levels. If, like me, you are feeling the usual exam-time strain, here are a couple of events going on around the uni to help …

Keeping Cheerful During Exam Time

It’s mental health awareness week this week and in this time of seemingly never-ending stress, sleep deprivation and general misery, it’s more important than ever to look after your mental health. Whether you’ve been spending all night every night in the library, or have left it all to a last minute cram, it’s important to …