May 19, 2016, by Gemma Coleman
Desserts is stressed spelled backwards
It’s Mental Health Awareness week and considering that most of us are drowning in post-it notes, revision timetables and past-papers-from-hell, it seems a suitable time to pay attention to our stress levels.
If, like me, you are feeling the usual exam-time strain, here are a couple of events going on around the uni to help you unwind:
Introduction to Mindfulness – As part of the ‘Month of the Mind’, the university is running an introductory session at Lakeside Arts on May 24th to the concept of ‘mindfulness’. Not only is this a chance to escape Hallward, it also an opportunity to understand what this term, plastered across colouring books and scented candles galore, actually means.
Yoga Soc Sessions – As cliché as it may seem, yoga can really help you to clear your mind and at the same time, get your body moving more than another trip to the kettle will. Yoga Soc will be running a limited timetable next week due to exams, so be sure to check their Facebook page (UoN Yoga Society) for any changes. *And be sure to choose a class at your level – made that mistake before *
As useful as these activities can be, though, for recharging your batteries, it is essential to seek help if you are suffering from anxiety. The university offers a number of services if you need someone to talk to, including Nightline and the University Counselling Service.
The exam period is a difficult time for most of us and watching your stress levels is an important part of the process.
My top tip for keeping your mind relaxed is reading a book that has absolutely nothing to do with your course and limiting your time in front of a screen. If you want more tips on how to keep cheerful during exams, see Emma’s blog!
Good luck everyone!
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