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How To Make This Year Better Than The Last

Christmas has passed us and January has arrived, along with countless new years resolutions just waiting to be broken and dark, rainy days that tempt you to hit the snooze button for the 7th time. I feel as though the new year tempts a lot of people (myself included) into wanting to make drastic lifestyle …

My Library Observations

The library is starting to become the new student hub this week. Whether it’s exams, coursework or deadlines, everyone seems to be stressed out about something. Hence, the sudden surge in students in the library – where people like me, stay (or camp) in the library like it’s our second home. Whilst procrastinating (I do …

New Year, New Me?

*Probably not, Lucy… don’t get your hopes up.   Every year social media, as well as real life, becomes inundated with people claiming that January marks the beginning of something new. Apparently at no other time of the year are people incapable of change because the universe forbids such an action happening. Karen, what do …

Christmas is Over. (but it’s okay)

It’s a melancholy time when the Christmas tree comes down, the town isn’t lit up with festive lights and there isn’t loads of great movies on the television. But all hope is not lost. Exam time is approaching and in the cold weather it can be difficult to look at the ‘bright’ side but there’s …

Goals for 2017 – We can do this!

Hello once again! It’s been a while since I’ve put up a blog. In fact, it’s been so long that it’s a little daunting to return. Hopefully everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and is raring to go for another (hopefully, less terrifying) year ahead.   Speaking of the new year, it’s finally time …

4 of the best online games for revision breaks

Christmas is over, New Years has come and gone, and it’s time to get stuck into some good old fashioned revision. And along with revision comes revision breaks. Those blissful few minutes between typing up lecture notes where your brain can finally relax. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or Snapchat, I’ve recently taken to …

The Quest: Making Brown Rice Interesting

Since being at uni, I can imagine that for the majority of us, myself included, found it quite a shock at first, when we realised just how independent we needed to be. For me, cooking and just food in general was one of the most difficult ‘independent things’ I had to do. it seems simple; …

On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas My Uni Gave To Me…

With the first semester over, it’s fair to say these few months have been the strangest, most eventful, but most exciting ones of my 18 years. Seeing it’s Christmas, I thought of nothing better to write about than a nice little festive reflection of those past 12 weeks. I hope you like it, here’s my …

How I Spent My Christmas Holiday in University

I remember bidding my hallmates goodbye as they returned home for the Christmas holidays. But, staying back in uni over the Christmas holidays doesn’t have to be a gloomy experience. Here are a few activities that kept me busy during my first Christmas holiday away from home: 1. I attended a Christmas party Who says …

Driving Home for Christmas

Now, don’t get me wrong: I am having the time of my life at university. However, having experienced by first 12 week term(!!!) here, I well and truly am ready to get on the first train home. University life is great but, something which I and several other people I have talked to have realised …