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5 Mental Health Services you can access at Uni

It’s a stressful time of year for us all, with deadlines looming and exams not so far behind. But regardless of whether you’re totally on top of everything, or waking up in a cold sweat every day at 5am stressing about all the work you have to do, mental health problems can affect us all. …

How to live the ‘not-so-broke’ student life

If you ask someone what they want most out of life, you’ll get a whole variety of answers. Love. Happiness. Education. Travel. But if you ask a university student what we want most out of our lives (as of right now, at least) and we’ll all say the same thing; money. Whether you’re saving for …

University Life According To Emojis

I thought I’d do something fun and lighthearted, and let’s be honest, we all love emojis. They describe our feelings when we don’t quite have the words. A crying cat, a little pixelated robot alien, and a poo with eyes. Magical. This post is university life: according to emojis. I hope you enjoy. The first …

Being Malaysian in Nottingham

Having been here for almost 3 years, Nottingham is starting to grow on me. But, I’ve got to admit, Nottingham is worlds apart from my home country of Malaysia. Here are some things that I believe Malaysian students like me would definitely miss about our home country:   1.You miss Malaysian food I can proudly …

What Happens When You Become an English Student

You will be able to talk your way out of any given scenario. All that essay writing allows you to become skilled when it comes to arguing a point, even when you aren’t 100% behind it. In those scenarios where you are in the midst of a debating about whose turn it is to buy …

6 simple steps to become a morning person

You know who they are. They’re the person whose smoothie-blending wakes you up at 7am every morning. They’re the person who’s just come back from a run as you drag your hungover cadaver into the kitchen to reheat a slice of last night’s pizza for ‘breakfast’ (by now, of course, it’s 11am and you’ve already …

48 hours in Wroclaw

Picture this – we’re sitting in my room late one evening armed with our laptops and various flight booking websites, trying to compete with each other on who could get the cheapest flight to somewhere in Europe. What was the result? We booked tickets to Wrocław, Poland for £45 return. Finally, for three days I …

Great Places to Walk Around Nottingham

I am not much of a walker, it takes a lot for me to get motivated and sometimes I cannot resist the temptation of the bus right outside my house. That being said, the weather is starting to cheer up and sometimes there are places that are too pretty to miss and are fantastic to …

Things I would rather do than write my dissertation.

  Eat the world’s most horrible vegetable Pluck every single hair out of my body with a pair of tweezers  Travel across the Pacific Ocean with only Nigel Farage for company Write a blog post for the Student Life blog Superglue myself to one of the hopper buses Teach a bee how to play golf …

10 Things To Be Grateful For

As we close in on our much-awaited Easter break, university has been kicking us in the gut just a little bit harder. With a particularly difficult week ahead of me, I decided to dedicate this blog post to a few things that I am grateful for.   University education at a great university. As tiring …