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5 Best Places To Use Your Meal Card

Let’s just say the quality of food in halls… varies. And by the end of the year, even the ever reliable theme nights will start to turn your stomach, so it’s vital for your survival that you make full use of your glorious £27 meal card. However, it can often take a full year to …

What to Take Home Over Christmas

Come September, there are plenty of resources out there telling you what to pack for university. *Ahem, I may have even wrote a little cheeky something myself*. However, what no one tells you is how hard it is to pack to go home again during the holidays. Despite only being home for a maximum of …

How To Stay Healthy Over Christmas

Christmas is synonymous with many things. Hot chocolate, ugly Christmas sweaters and Michael Buble to name a few. However, one thing that definitely does not scream Christmas is the word ‘healthy’. Whether you’re heading home to your families over the festive period or you’re going on a trip with some friends, December is a time …

Thinking about a PhD?

A week ago I had an opportunity to participate as one of the panellists at a careers event ‘Thinking about a PhD?’. That event gave us a fantastic chance to share our thoughts with students considering PhD as a future career step and talk with them about our experience regarding PhD student life! In this post, …

Feeling Festive: Fun Winter Activities

Last year I barely noticed Christmas was approaching until the last week of term… this year its constantly on my mind! Maybe it’s the amount of deadlines I have before the end of term that’s pushing me towards festive procrastination… With that in mind, here’s a list of 23* activities you can try to get …

How to Make it to your 9am

Now, as the saying goes, you are either a lark or an owl, aka, you are either a morning or a night person. Luckily for me, there is no better feeling than having an early night only to wake up two hours before is needed so that I can spend the morning doing whatever I …

PhD Guilty Feeling

  Have you ever felt this weird disturbing sensation of guilt during your PhD? Guilty that you are not good enough, you do not work enough, you do not read enough … Even if that all sounds ridiculous, most of PhD students experience this feeling! Me too! PhD is usually very individual work that depends …

Self-Care Saturday: Taking Care Of Yourself At University

Hey guys! Guess who’s back and ready to talk to you all about the most underrated aspect of university life: self-care? After spending years as an over-achiever and perfectionist, it was natural for me to want to be the best version of myself at university. However, it became way too easy to mistake being the …

‘Why do you volunteer when you don’t get paid?’

The title of this post comes from a conversation with my brother over the weekend. I was busy telling my family about all of the volunteering projects I’ve been involved with this term and other ones I want to do. Initially I didn’t really know how to respond. I mean, he makes a good point…Why, …

Things to Consider When Choosing Housemates

In Nottingham, student houses seem to go fast. Come the Christmas holidays, most people will have got a house for the next academic year under their belt so since it is already November, it is worth starting to look for next year’s accommodation. Daunting it may be, but to help calm your panic or clean …