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Student Essentials – Food Edition

So, you’re a student. You need to fend for yourselves. The shops are overwhelming lairs of edible goods that you didn’t even know existed, you have a limited budget and you simply don’t know where to begin. Luckily for you, I am here to help (at least I think so anyway). I consider myself a …

University Bucket-list: Second Year Edition

These blogs have allowed me to give all my readers a peak into my life and while it has been thoroughly enjoyable sharing parts of myself with you; there’s still a lot left to uncover. Today’s fact: I love making lists! It’s a habit I picked up from my father and it’s one I stick …

My food epiphany

I am a major hater of beans. All beans face my wrath, but I utterly despise baked beans, despite them being the classic student staple. I thought I hated all foods with similar textures (even though peas are one of my favourite vegetables). I think the fact that peanuts are also legumes scared me a …

Taking Control Of Your Student Loan…It’s Not Too Late!

It is nearly the end of the semester and your student budget seems to have rapidly disappeared. You can see the money slipping through your fingers. Keeping on top of finances can be difficult as let’s be honest… giving a lump sum of cash to (some, not all… but I’m definitely one!) fiscally fickle teens …

Last year PhD worries? Vol. 2

Are you about to finish your PhD this year? Or you maybe just started your PhD and you wonder how is it to be last year PhD student? Are you thinking of how to ‘bite’ that last piece of your time at Uni? What smart steps you should take to finish it without much stress? …

Four historians are walking down a road…

Are you a history student? Do you know any history students? Have you been a historian for several decades? You may be confused by the differences between the main schools of historical analysis. To help you through this, I have produced a brief-to-the-point-of-inaccuracy guide to the main types of historian. Any resemblance to persons, living or …

The Right (& Only) Way to Watch the Oscars

Yet again, my blog post is two days late. However, for once, there is a reason behind my procrastination. I write this as my house mates and I wrap up a rather successful Oscar Party. And it is with that extensive party planning experience, that I’m here to tell you the right way to celebrate …

Mid-Semester Blues

It’s that time of the year again. Well, the second time if we’re talking about the academic year.   We’re halfway through the semester, and while the work is cranking up and the first big set of deadlines is beginning to loom, your energy and motivation levels are starting to plummet.   You’re beginning to …

How to Get Out of a Midterm Slump

So, we’re half way through the second term of university (how that happened beats me), it’s cold, dark and bleak to say the least outside. Chances are you’re starting to think about impending pieces of coursework / exams and are lacking the motivation to do anything about these matters. Fear no, my friend, because I …

What NOT to Pack for Short Trips Away

So reading week is upon us – at least on this side of the globe anyway – and living up to that exchanger stereotype, I hope to be off travelling (gotta get those stamps in my passport!). Of course, when it comes to flying, especially with budget-friendly airlines, hand luggage allowances ande guidelines can be …