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Shots, Centres and Sickness.

This week has been crammed full. Sometimes this week I really feel like I haven’t had time to think about the next hour; but it’s good to be busy, exhausting, but busy. And the perfect cure for reverse culture shock (see previous posts). Friday night my housemates and I decided to broaden our wings a …

SwissSoc Cheese Fondue and Campus Tours

I went to my first ever cheese fondue party on Friday and it was awesome. I’m a fan of hot cheese anyway so I knew that this would be something special indeed! I probably drank a tad more than I should of but I had a fab time anyway! It was a social hosted by …

It’s a whole new beginning!

Hello everybody! My one week holiday was a blast! My favourite destination would be Salzburg, Austria. The sceneries are simply breathtaking. Plus, I even went to a Medical Careers Conference in Liverpool right after my trip was over before coming back to Nottingham. I’ll write about them in upcoming posts though. Anyway, today is the start …

Six Degrees

Last weekend saw me attend my first college basketball game that in typical American fashion was on a mammoth scale. A full house in the John Paul Jones Arena was entertained by cheerleaders, dance troupes, a full marching band, a military led national anthem and an amusing mascot named ‘Cav-man’ and this was all before the …

Reading Repetition

Don’t you just hate those weeks where you can’t really remember what you’ve done because every day just merges into the other because they’ve all be so similar…well that pretty much sums up my week. Not to have a depressing slant in anyway, but these next three weeks are crunch time; deadline wise, dissertation wise …

Felt-tip Pens, Pancakes and Kings of Convenience

Hey there folks. How’s it going? Do you get excited when you come home to fresh pads of paper and new pens? … Tanya (my course mate and fellow Asian sister) agreed to split a Paperchase box of 100 felt-tip pens with me…good lord. I vomitted a rainbow (9GAG reference) Because of course 100 is …


Hello! I bet you must be wondering what CAG is. Well, if you’re asking someone who learns about genetics, he might think it’s about the nucleotides. But if you ask me, it’s actually an acronym for my trip that starts tonight! CAG stands for – Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. Yeap, I’m going to these …

St. Valentine’s with Thomas Jefferson

My passion and curiosity for music led me to WTJU this week, the University of Virginia’s equivalent to URN (University Radio Nottingham) where I present a specialist show. Where this musical part of my journey takes me I have no idea but I’ll keep you informed. I have begun submitting my first ‘papers’ (coursework) covering …

Leap Years and Love.

February suddenly seems to be stretching out to be the longest month ever, ironic really when it normally goes so fast; I’m blaming the fact that’s it’s a leap year. This week has been crammed full of deadlines, drinks and dramatic days. February 14th – that day; dreaded by singles, males and cynics across the …

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’ve just tired out my throat repeatedly shouting, ’20p a cake guys!!! all proceeds goes to UNICEF!!’ As the day was coming to an end and we were down to our last and most miserable looking cakes, we were trying to flog them in our last few minutes. In the end, we got there though, …