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What if I had studied Graphic Design?

Hi everyone. How are you all? I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter holidays. The past few days in Nottingham has seen quite abysmal weather. Today, at least there was some sunshine. 80% done with the dissertation [HAPPY TIMES!]  and caught up some friends who have stuck around for the sake of studying as well. …

Becoming of Age in America: Cake, Cabins & Guns.

Another two for one offering this week for reasons that will soon become clear. It has been an exceptionally busy two weeks with no two days being similar which I guess is what studying abroad is all about! I shall go back to last Friday that seems an age ago, I was taken to my …

The weather outside is frightful…let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Seriously?

Hello people! Have you looked outside your window? Yeap, I know. I thought it was spring 😛 It began very early in the morning and got progressively worse. It hasn’t stopped since. I tried to upload a short video clip but unfortunately, it didn’t work. Oh well, I guess pictures will do..   Apparently, we’re …

Open Mic Nights, South East Asian Adventures and Peachy Keens

Hey there folks. If you’re still in Nottingham studying, I hope you’re working hardcore and being super productive. If you’re at home, I hope you’re enjoying it! Last week I took part in a charity open mic night for ShareUganda. ShareUganda Society is one of the universities many charitable societies that campaigns on behalf of …

torn asunder

Have you ever trust someone and later finding out that the person is the one who’s responsible for bringing you down? The result for our Honours Year Project was released on Thursday last week. I was ready to see my mark within the range of the majority but I was surprised to see that it …

Dissertation Drudgery

So term is winding down and it’s nearly time for a much needed break…except that in reality this Easter holiday (which I return home for tomorrow) will continue the mundane routine of dissertation, dissertation, dissertation. To liven things up a bit, I might just throw in a couple of days worth of Revision to really …

Missing home.

Hey folks. You guys doing much this Easter holiday? As a final year student I find myself in a kind of bitter sweet situation. . Yeah you’re happy because the light at the end of the giant gaping tunnel of higher education is getting brighter and brighter  but then you’re a little lost or something …

I’ve completed the Nottingham Advantage Award!

Hello everybody! On Friday last week, I logged into My Interfase (a website to check on your personal details and mostly regarding activities for your career development) and found out that I passed my 3rd and final module – Arabic! I was just so ecstatic to finally know that I have completed the Nottingham Advantage …

St. Paddy’s & Steak

So it turns out the United States celebrates St. Patrick’s Day on a grander scale than the Irish in Ireland themselves. Saturday was just a wash with the colour green everywhere you looked and the bars opened especially early, a blessing for some and peril for many more. I started the day watching the English …

Jobs and Jolly Good Times

So, clarity and good fortune has come…and all that February stress has finally paid off; United Biscuits offered me a Grad Scheme in the role of HR advisor, beginning 6th August 2012 with a lovely starting salary. WAHOO. I made it, three years of hard graph, work experience, expanding my CV and determination and I’m …