March 27, 2012, by Kay
Missing home.
Hey folks.
You guys doing much this Easter holiday?
As a final year student I find myself in a kind of bitter sweet situation. .
Yeah you’re happy because the light at the end of the giant gaping tunnel of higher education is getting brighter and brighter but then you’re a little lost or something because you may be wondering about all the stuff at the end. Or beginning, however you look at it.
I’ll be going back to sweet home Darlington for 10 days. Hooray! Poppa Li is a chef and his cooking IS home. Whilst shrill incoherent shouting up the stairs is my Mum more or less. But I can’t wait! >___<
Recently I’ve gotten on a lot better with my seventeen year old sister too. Unfortunately we pretty much hated each other all throughout her early teens. The usual stuff, stolen clothes (that end up broken) and other general annoying ‘arghh I hate you’ kind of stuff.
Being away from home gets rid of that kind of tension you’d usually get if you were around each other all the time. I actually (reluctantly) miss my sister and since she’s been the only kid in the house recently (there are four daughters in our family), she’s much less of an idiot.
So in that sense, I’m definitely looking forward to not being a student so I can be there for my family more and try and help mum and dad out with bills and things. Traditionally, Asian kids tend to send their parents a small proportion of their monthly income to supplement their pension.
Then my sister can go through being a uni student herself. Yup, I’m mildly jealous.
Love, Kay
Hi Kay, I’ve been reading your posts every now and then, and whenever you talked about Asian cultures, I’m just so amazed that we actually have several things in common. It’s true really..”Traditionally, Asian kids tend to send their parents a small proportion of their monthly income to supplement their pension”. And in a previous post, “You got a B+?… B+ ….you dishonour our family…your cousin gets A*s in everything you know!” Lol! It’s just so funny how common our culture is despite the fact that we grew up in very different environments.
Hi Wafi,
Thanks for the comment. Yes! My other Asian friends have said the same thing that Asians and Oriental Asian family traditions and values are not that different. What I’ve found most striking is the amount of competition between parents when comparing their children! It’s crazy!