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The Next Chapter

Hey hey folks! I have finished my degree, my last exam was on June 7th. I just found out that I got a First on my dissertation as well. I’m so happy! I find out my degree classification and exam results on June 21st. If I don’t get a 2:1 in my degree then I …

Feeling good

Hello everyone! This is my final week in Clinical Phase 1 (hospital attachment) and I’m just so nervous about the exam next week. I’m sure that most of my colleagues are as well. Exams; truly one of the things that would make a typical student feel a little bit anxious. Anyway, on Friday last week, …

Parties and Pampering

So it’s been almost a week since I completed the final ten credits of my degree and it’s been a week of peace, relaxing and preparations for the next chapter of my life. I think Saturday was my favourite day of them all, it was a rainy day in Nottingham and therefore the perfect day …


I feel like a coca-cola bottle being shaken up, collecting fizz, ready to burst. This is the feeling of seeing the end of university so close, within my grasp. I have one exam left. It’s in two days. I graduate in a little over a month. I just can’t describe how excited I am to …

How’s your holiday?

Hello, I’m currently revising for my exams. Progress is not too bad at the moment. I need to finish one module before the end of today and get back to Clincal Phase 1 – Clinical Practice (the tough one) as soon as possible since this is the one where a lot of people failed to …


And so comes my final post, I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by, it seems literally yesterday I was boarding a plane destined across the pond. I am going to keep the writing to a minimum in this final post as I’ve created a video you’ll see the link for below, and …

2 Weeks Left!

Hello everybody! How’s your week? Have any plans for the bank holidays? I’m afraid I don’t have any apart from staying at home and studying for my upcoming examination in the next 2 weeks. Yeah, most of my friends from other courses have already finished their examination (Lucky them!). So yeah, if you ever have …

The Last 10 Credits

As of 2.30pm this afternoon I have officially completed my undergraduate degree. As the final minutes of the exam ticked away and I frantically wrote my concluding sentences I realised these were the last sentences I would write in the last ten credits of my degree. They were related to culture and power relations and …

Hotlanta to Empire City

My last post saw me en-route south headed for the city of Coca-Cola and peaches, Atlanta. After an eleven and a half hour train journey with minimal sleep the Amtrak train pulled into the station in the early morning. Atlanta is not a city you would initially think to visit unless you were travelling through …

Oh My English

Hello again, I know, it’s exam season. So, I understand if you don’t even have time to read any blogs. Thus, I’m going to keep it short (I’ll try my best). Living in the accommodation at King’s Mill hospital for the past 13 weeks (wow, it’s really been that long :O) made me realise a …