June 5, 2012, by Kay
I feel like a coca-cola bottle being shaken up, collecting fizz, ready to burst.
This is the feeling of seeing the end of university so close, within my grasp. I have one exam left. It’s in two days. I graduate in a little over a month.
I just can’t describe how excited I am to go out and achieve all I can while I am young. I admit, I am currently writing this blog virtually off my face on varying brands of energy drinks as I have had hardly any sleep the past few days but at least the excitement of doing well [hopefully] in my degree and running after ‘my dreams’ [as lame as that sounds] is giving me the extra motivation to write about another lecture, to stay another hour…
For anyone reading this that’s looking for the defining reason to really go for a university degree or any higher education after college, let me try and sum up why you should 🙂
If I didn’t go to university, I wouldn’t have found out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t have met my potential future business partner, I wouldn’t have met my boyfriend. Aside from having amazing kind of ‘coming of age’ experiences, you are given these wonderful ways to build yourself as an asset, to accumulate these skills that will transfer you into all these great avenues in the future.
I’m not saying that these opportunities wouldn’t come to you AT ALL if you didn’t go to university. I’m just saying it’s like university is like the perfect little incubator of opportunities. I came to university not knowing what to do with my life and now that I’m about to finish it I have this overwhelming sense of amazing optimism.
Maybe I am setting myself up for a fall, but I’m gonna go for things anyway and remember to stay adaptive, positive and open to learning from my mistakes.
Recently I decided that I’m gonna save the money from my graduate scheme at JP Morgan and apply for a Masters degree in Development Economics at a university in the EU, preferably the Paris School of Economics. Why? They have an amazing programme, students often go into jobs with the UN, OECD and World Bank [WHAT A DREAM] and I’m a total Francophile.
In between my grad scheme and starting a masters I want to take a few months out to volunteer at the Costa Rica Sloth Sanctuary and volunteer in aid work in a developing country.
Lately I’ve also been doing a bit of research on the United Nations internships in New Year for the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. These are highly competitive, unpaid 6 month internships but having read someone’s blog about their experience I’m a little in love with the idea of it.
The literally just now, me and my buddy Tanya discussed how awesome it would be to start a business together one day. We don’t know what, but I really couldn’t imagine anyone else I trust more or would want to experience that with.
So this blog was a giant stream of ‘thinking out loud’ and I hope it didn’t sound like a ball of annoying mush. I’m just genuinely really happy and excited these days and wanted to share that kind of dreamy excitement with you folks.
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