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Green Chicken Down!

This weekend I was lucky enough to pop back home and enjoy a bit of R&R after a bit of a manic week that I’ve come to realise is now just the normal for any University student. I’ll get to the home bit in a minute but first I thought I’d share a few pictures …

Something Fishy Going On…

I have never had a pet. My neighbours back home used to have a cat called Kinky. I’m not exactly sure why they chose that particular name but it might have been because they found it amusing to hear the six year old next door run around the garden calling out ‘Kinky! Kinky!’ The six …

Two Weeks In

So I’ve pretty much gotten back into the swing of lectures again. The constant coughing of those around me recovering from refresher’s week is slowly subsiding. My folder is finally clearly divided into my three modules. And my desk is now only 1/4 full of clutter. I am still getting used to my new timetable …

Where’s Wally?

Sorry this one’s a little late; I’m still recovering (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it) * * * Train hard, play hard.  That’s my motto for just about everything; admittedly my definition of playing hard isn’t quite the same as everyone else’ as I’m not a massive fan of drinking loads, but rest …

Strike of the Phones

Do you know the feeling? That feeling of terror, anguish, fear that strikes at the pit of your stomach as if one of your limbs is missing? Yes, I’m talking about the feeling you have when you lose your phone. That mini computer that has become an extension of our bodies; the sounds of which …

What’s on my mind? Well how about I tell you

Here I am again. A week has past. A week of twiddling my thumbs and waiting for inspiration to strike and still no idea for what to write about. In this time of desperation the only idea I have is to combine all the little ideas I’ve had into a generic blog. I shall call …

Course Life

Usually I use this blog to tell everyone what’s happening outside of my degree. In fact I barely mention my course at all apart from when I’m rushing to meet a deadline. But after taking the National Student Survey this week, a survey for final year students, I realised I do actually really like my …

Pinch, Punch, First day of the month

No returns! New experiences It’s a new term and a new month, and the perfect opportunity to try something new. I’m not talking about waking up at 11.40 am when you usually wake up at 11.45 am (no biggie!), or drinking Pepsi rather than coke (again, no biggie!). I’m talking about something you’ve never done …

A Bowl of Work

So lectures have started again. *Psycho music* They’re really interesting, relevant to my course and all of that – but full days (6 hrs a day) on Monday and Tuesday are pretty intense. Revising, exams, and Christmas holidays somehow make you forget what lectures are like and the natural phenomena occurred with them – so …

Is it me, or is time moving more slowly ?

You’d think, being halfway through my university career, I’d know where I’m going by now.  Coates had other plans.  Multiple staircases (I needed the extra phys anyway) and three different entrances later I finally found C29.  Don’t ask me how I got there, lets just say I made a much better job of it when …