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Pharmacy Student, Nottingham/Malaysia

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Posts by Olivia

Final Year Feels

I cannot believe this year has finally come, it is both terrifying and exciting. While being in final year marks my very near arrival into the real world and having a job, I am also quite excited at the prospect of finally getting to put what I have learned and will learn this coming year …

UoN and I

It was early 2011 when I began deciding on the universities I should attend. To some of you this may seem a little early considering I only started university in the September of 2012, however the universities I was interested in were actually of the Australian kind with a start date of February 2012. It is a long …

A Fantastic Summer Weekend in Nottingham

To anyone who’s ever said there isn’t anything to do in Nottingham I’m sorry but I am going to have to prove you wrong. Having been in Nottingham for almost 3 years now, I was amazed that I was still able to find somewhere new to explore. And if you know me, you know that …

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4 Reasons Being On 4-Year Course is Great (and not so great)

  PROs 1. Putting off “Real World” Responsibilities (for the time-being) You get to put off post university responsibilities for at least another year. Think about it, while your university friends who are graduating this year are stressing about things like finding a job or moving back home you are still warm in your little university bubble! …

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The Summer Job

Hello dear readers, I am blogging from Kettering! Haven’t heard of it? Well I forgive you because neither did most of my friends.. To give you an idea; it is in the borough of Northamptonshire and is between Nottingham and London, about an hour to both cities. The reason I am here is because I am on …

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5 (more) Ways to Stay Sane during Revision

1. Get a change of scene I find that a change of scene helps a little in making revision a little more bearable. It could be something as simple as going outside, or going over to a friend’s place to study. Those of you going to the library might have become attached that one seat. …

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We Meat Once Again

So this past Friday my parents flew in to the UK to visit my sister and I over Easter break. Needless to say I am now being spoiled rotten. My mom has not stopped cooking since she got here and my sister and I haven’t stopped eating. The deliciousness included Malaysian chicken curry and Bak …

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The Lab Sessions

As you may already know from my previous posts on the blog, I am currently in the midst of my research project for which I will have to write up a 7000-word dissertation. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones as I only have to write up what my school calls a “mini-dissertation” which …

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For The First Time

Hey it’s me again, sorry for the lack of posts! University life has been pretty hectic with the many things that are currently on my plate such as my dissertation, optional modules, labs, part-time work and life in general. So much for having a relaxed spring semester! Enough about things that stress me out, let’s …

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5 Places in Nottingham Where You’d Love to Dig In!

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I thought I would show some love for Nottingham. Being me, I decided to tell you about what I think are the best places to eat in Nottingham. This could have easily been a long list, but I thought I would keep it simple and share 5 of my favourites! 1. Le …

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