Month of the Mind 2018

During May 2018 we will be celebrating our third annual Month of the Mind events programme which focuses on raising awareness around mental health and wellbeing. 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues each year in the UK (NHS England, 2016) but there is still stigma attached to mental illness which means many people …

Healthy Eating Workshops

As part of the University’s Wellbeing Programme and to mark World Health Day 2018, we are offering staff the chance to attend a Healthy Eating Workshop. The Healthy Eating Workshops will be led by a professional nutritionist from Hands on Health who will lead you through a discussion around the different food groups (the Eatwell plate) and food models, and …

Want to give Parkour a go?

13 March 2018 (15:30-16:30)  David Ross Sports Centre Parkour (Freerunning) is a non-competitive physical discipline of training to move freely over and through any terrain using running, jumping, climbing and quadrupedal movement. The sport aims to build confidence, creativity, self-discipline and self-reliance, and improve one’s health and wellbeing. It encourages humility, respect for others and …

International Women’s Day 2018

Thursday 8 March is International Women’s Day 2018. In celebration of this date, a number of activities and events are set to take place at the University of Nottingham. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for …

LGBT+ allies in the School of Mathematical Sciences

By Susanne Pumpluen, School of Mathematical Sciences, Director of EDI At the end of last year, the EDI Committee of the School of Mathematical Sciences wanted to do something that demonstrated their commitment and support to the LGBT+ staff and student community. We wanted to show a gesture of good will/support to our LGBT+  community, …

LGBT History Month commences

LGBT History Month 2018 is now underway — it’s the fifth year that we have celebrated this event at the University of Nottingham. From Thursday 1 – Wednesday 28 February 2018, we’ll be holding and presenting a series of interesting and powerful events that aim to promote equality and diversity. What is LGBT History Month, and why do we celebrate it? First initiated …

Help us celebrate LGBT History Month 2018

We’re delighted to announce our programme of events for this year’s LGBT History Month – taking place throughout February 2018. LGBT History Month is a powerful and thought-provoking event that takes place annually. It aims to promote equality and diversity, for the benefit of everyone, by: increasing the visibility of LBGT people, their history, lives and their experiences, raising awareness and advancing education on matters affecting the LBGT community and, …

Deep well-being divisions reported by OECD

As part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Better Life Initiative, in November 2017, the organisation published ‘How’s Life’ 2017  which presents evidence following 50 indicators that map out current well-being outcome and resources for the future.  This publication is also progressive from reported changes that have taken place since 2005. As …

Disability December 2017: A Disabled Staff Perspective

By Prof. Stephen Hodkinson (Deputy Chair, Disabled Staff Network) Last term the University held its second programme of Disability December events, organised by HR’s People and Culture team with the Disabled Staff Network. The Disability December programme takes place annually, linking with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December. This year’s programme …

The Little Suitcase – a short film and discussion with Judith Rhodes

  To mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2018, the University of Nottingham is delighted to invite you to a screening of ‘The Little Suitcase’, followed by a discussion with the story-teller, Judith Rhodes. This 20 minute documentary film tells the story of Ursula Michel, Judith’s mother, who came over to the UK on Kindertransport during the …