Drone demonstration over campus
March 6, 2013
The MEME project demonstrated one of their drones to the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia recently (1st Mar 2013). We were privileged to have four people from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia attend the demonstration, these being Dato’ Abd Rasid Samsudi – Director General, Department of Wildlife and National …
Droning On: The MEME Project and ETH Zurich
December 18, 2012
You might be aware that drones are used in some of the research carried out at UNMC. The drones, which took the pictures shown in the links below, were being flown as part of research conducted by the ETH Zurich, Ecosystem Management Group, who are studying the reproductive ecology of dipterocarp trees and forest Carbon …
View of UNMC Campus from a Drone
December 9, 2012
We have recently posted several blogs about drones, particularly the work of the MEME project. The drones being used at UNMC are predominantly being used to track elephants in Borneo but the use of this technology is almost limitless (might be worth thinking about how you could use drones in your own research). As an …
Military Technology Offers Hope for Malaysian Wildlife: Drones and Elephants
December 7, 2012
This is the closing of a piece that has recently appeared on Voice of America (you can view the full article here). “Professor Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz explained how researchers are tracking elephants to help keep villagers safe. ‘What we see is an animation of data collected through the GPS satellite collar on the elephants to …
Learning to live with elephants in Malaysia
November 2, 2012
If you are interested in the MEME project that is being led by Ahmisa Campos-Arceizto you might be interested in the interview that was recently published on Mongabay.com. This is the most popular digital media about tropical biology conservation. It is quite a long interview but interesting and informative. The interview can be viewed here.