Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

MOHE Workshop (Report)

77 people registered to attend this workshop (FASS:14, Engineering:42 , Science:21) which, as Andy pointed out

Royal Society Lecture (Report)

The Royal Society Rutherford Memorial Lecture was held on the 18 Oct 2012 at UNMC. It was presented by Professor Martyn Poliakoff, who is Vice President of the Royal Society and also

Upcoming Events

17 Oct 2012: MOHE Workshop (Great Hall) – Contact Andy Chan 18 Oct 2012: Rutherford Lecture (Great Hall) (registration is now closed for this event)

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EU Funding

Recently (10-14 Sep) a number of staff from UNMC visited the UK to estaiblish links with potential EU partners.

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Royal Society Rutherford Lecture

We have now received the abstract for Professor Martyn Polliakoff’s Rutherford Lecture. Engineering a Better World through Green Chemistry

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Gates Foundation Grant Opportunity – TB Vaccine Accelerator

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s TB Vaccine Accelerator Program is requesting applications for projects that will help meet one or both of the following two interrelated goals:

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Nottingham Research Fellowships

Closing Date: 7th Nov 2012

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Hermes Fellowships

Hermes Fellowships Closing Date: 29 Oct 2012

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MOHE Workshop (17 Oct 2012)

We are organising a workshop on the 17 Oct. This is an important event for two reasons.

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Collaboration Development Awards – Materials

This is probably only applicable to a few people at UNMC but I thought it was worth flagging up. Please note the deadline of 31st Oct 2012. We recently received this email from the British High Commission Kuala Lumpur.

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