Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

UNMC Research Information Services

Dear academic staff, Information Services is pleased to announce the launch of its new UNMC Research Information System. You may have seen the email (below) from Information Services. This is part of the move towards trying to make more information available in an automated way. IS would really value your feedback on the current system …

Professor Rom Nain, Inaugural Lecture (22nd Nov 2012, 10:30)

  Professor Nain has been a key figure in the emergence of Media and Communications Education in Malaysia. Renowned not only as a scholar and academic, but also as a witty, principled and occasionally excoriating critic of the mainstream media, and the media and communications industries, across South East Asia, he is an exemplary ‘public …

Do you have something to disseminate?

If you have any suggestions for things that could be featured on this blog, please let me know (, or register on the blog and write an entry yourself. Any posts will be moderated (and might be edited) and we will only accept registrations from University of Nottingham email addresses. I am thinking of (but …

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Branch campuses may seek independence in long term

You might be interested in a piece that was published in the Times Higher Education earlier this week. It starts “International branch campuses could break free from the UK universities that set them up and become independent institutions within decades, according to the pro vice-chancellor who oversees the UK’s two biggest overseas outposts.” It features …

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MOSTI Workshop (21st November 2012)

The following email was sent by Nash a few days ago. Dear all Some of you might be aware that the second in a series of research workshops organised by the Research Strategy Committee would take place on Wednesday, 21 November. The theme for this workshop focuses on  Ministry of Science Innovation and Industry  (MOSTI) …

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Launch of Shanghai Nottingham Advanced Academy

Festo and Graham attended the launch of the Shanghai Nottingham Advanced Academy on 5th-6th November. This is a strategic alliance between the University of Nottingham and East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST). The launch was attended by the Vice Chancellor (Professor David Greenaway), Professor Hai-Sui Yu (Pro Vice Chancellor for International Campuses), Professor …

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Learning to live with elephants in Malaysia

If you are interested in the MEME project that is being led by Ahmisa Campos-Arceizto you might be interested in the interview that was recently published on This is the most popular digital media about tropical biology conservation. It is quite a long interview but interesting and informative. The interview can be viewed here.

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Confidence in Concept ‘Biomedical Catalyst’ awards scheme – internal competition. Deadline 30 November 2012

We have recently received the email below from the UK. The University of Nottingham has received a £400k Confidence in Concept  ‘Biomedical Catalyst’ Award from the MRC to manage an internal competition that will fund high quality proof-of-concept studies in the areas of “Biomedical Imaging” and “Diagnostics and Biomarkers”. Awards must be used to support …

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Science Faculty Research Brochure

Many of you will know that Nicola Couch was here for a year working on various marketing materials. One of the items she produced was a Faculty of Science Research Brochure. Hard copies have been given to the faculties but there is also an electronic copy available (see here).

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Data Citation Index

Many disciplines have a set of standard datasets/benchmarks that are used by the discipline for a variety of purposes. Thomson Reuter have recognised this and now provide a way to access registered datasets as part of their search functionality. They have done this by launching a new service. A short video describing it can be …

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