November 7, 2012, by Graham Kendall

Launch of Shanghai Nottingham Advanced Academy

Festo and Graham attended the launch of the Shanghai Nottingham Advanced Academy on 5th-6th November.

This is a strategic alliance between the University of Nottingham and East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST).

The launch was attended by the Vice Chancellor (Professor David Greenaway), Professor Hai-Sui Yu (Pro Vice Chancellor for International Campuses), Professor Christopher Rudd (Pro Vice Chancellor for Knowledge Transfer), as well as many other members of the University from all three of our international campuses.Also present was the incoming Chancellor (Sir Andrew Witty).

The main themes of the academy are Life Sciences, Aerospace and Green Technology.

More information can be seen at the news story on the University’s web site.

The launch was marked by a classical performance by UCUST students

The second day (6th Nov) was marked by three conference sessions at ECUST where members from both universities outlined their research areas. This was a parallel session covering the three highlighted areas of collaboration (Life Sciences, Green Technologies, and Aerospace Technologies).



Everybody at the launch was asked to sign the poster promoting the launch

Posted in ConferenceSNAA