Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Is it Scopus indexed?

This post comes under a short series articles, in the category of Research Tools, which we hope will help you as you carry out your research. The most useful of these posts will also be linked from UNMC’s Research and Knowledge Transfer web site to give another way to access this information. This post is …

ACU Titular Fellowships now open for applications

Thanks to Chris Hill and Sean Matthews who both brought this to our attention. The ACU Titular Fellowships provide opportunities for staff from member universities and employees working in industry, commerce or public service in a Commonwealth country to spend periods of time in other member universities or relevant institutions outside of their own country. …

Am I agile? Reflections on the U21/KWBN Global Citizenship Employability Roundtable

This is a guest piece from Dr Vanaja Nethi, Programme Professor and Regional Liaison (Asia) for the Fischler School of Education, Nova Southeastern University (NSU) in Florida, USA. Being involved in the provision of transnational education in Asia, I was pleased to get the opportunity to attend several sessions of the Universitas 21/Knowledge Without Borders …

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Useful research resources (with thanks to CELE)

Whilst browsing the Universitity’s web site recently, we came across a CELE (Centre for English Language Education) page that has a lot of useful resources on it. It includes, links to resources that cover things such as plagiarism and how to avoid it, how to reference correctly ad how to use Google Scholar. We were …

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Teaching Food Processing Technology in Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program

This post was contributed by Dr Hii Ching Lik A talk was presented by Dr Hii Ching Lik from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, on the 11th March 2014. The talk was chaired by Ir. Mathew Thomas from the Engineering Education Technical Division. In his talk, he …

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Public dissemination of science

Although nothing to do with the University of Nottingham, I was interested in this set of videos as (to me anyway) it shows how a complex subject can be presented in such a way that is understandable by anybody and when you hear something like “We expect growth at 7% each year”, what does this …

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Tricampus Team Presents to Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2014 in Seoul

This post was contributed by Sean Matthews Tricampus Team Presents to Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2014 in Seoul, Korea. There was another landmark for the University of Nottingham last week with a panel drawn from colleagues based at each of the three main campuses, who collaborated in a presentation at the annual conference, …

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Ahimsa Campos Arceiz joins the Editorial Board of Global Ecology and Conservation

Congratulations to Ahimsa, who has been invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Global Ecology and Conservation. Serving as Associate Editors in important for UNMC as it raises our profile and demonstrates that we are recognised leaders in our relevant fields. Of course, it’s also good for the individual’s CV!

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U21 KWBN Global Citizenship Workshop Breaks New Ground With Live Streaming of UNMC Events from Semenyih and KLTC venues

This post was contributed by Sean Matthews and Yeong Woon Chin There was a significant technological ‘first’ for UNMC during the recent U21 KWBN Global Citizenship Workshop, 13-14 March. We used the event to explore our live streaming capabilities, and achieved a successful and well-received feed for the session (the link has been taken down …

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UNMC Publications 2014 – thus far

In our irregular review of UNMC’s publication record, below are the Web of Science and Scopus publications that we have recorded for 2014. Thank you to all those that have helped us make such a good start to 2014. Hopefully there are a lot more in the pipeline. As part of trying to streamline the …

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