Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

ISESCO Prizes for Science and Technology, 2014

This flyer outlines the ISESCO Prizes for Science and Technology. For those that are successful there is a 5000 USD reward. The clsoing date is the 30 Apr 2014.  

Taiwan Fellowship 2014

This fellowship program will accept applications from 1st May 2014 to 30 June 2014, with the research being carried in 2015. The field of study is in Social Sciences and Humanities with a topic relaed to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, mainland China, the Asia Pacific and Sinology. More details (along with the letter) are available from

L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Fellowships 2014

These followships are available to women who are pursuing their Doctoral studies, who are at the early starge of their career. The deadline for applications is 30 May 2014. More details are available at and also on this flyer.  

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Newly appointed Anne McLaren fellow to work on silicon cycling in Malaysian mangrove systems

This post was contributed by Suzanne McGowan A recently appointed Anne McLaren Fellow at UoN, Dr Virginia Panizzo will be researching into global budgets of silicon cycling, by providing the first estimates of its sources, sinks and fluxes in coastal mangrove systems. Silicon acts as the building blocks for primary algal productivity and, as a …

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International Conference on Action Research 2014

We don’t normally advertise conferences through this blog, but as one of the Keynote Speakers is from the University of Nottingham (Professor Christopher Day), we thought that it was worth a mention. If you are interested, take a look at this flyer.

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UNMC-IEM Student Chapter Activities (Industrial Visit and Talk)

This post was contributed by Hii Ching Lik A visit was made to Shell Refinery Port Dickson on the 26th February 2014 which was led by Dr Hii Ching Lik (UNMC-IEM advisor) from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. A group of 40 students attended the visit and they were exposed to various aspects …

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Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Research Grant 2014

The objective of the above research grant is to promote medical/biomedical research among Malaysian young scientists. Please see this letter for more details if you are interested in applying.

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Nafis Alam joins the Editorial Board of the Journal of Asia Business Studies

Congratulations to Nafis, who has been invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Journal of Asia Business Studies. Serving as Associate Editors in important for UNMC as it raises our profile and demonstrates that we are recognised leaders in our relevant fields. Of course, it’s also good for the individual’s CV!

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Another UNMC First: Live Twitter feed at the U21 KWBN Global Citizenship Workshop

This post was contributed by Sean Matthews and Yeong Woon Chin, for Knowledge Without Borders Network/U21 Global Citizenship Workshop As the Vice-Provost for Research & Knowledge Transfer has already blogged about the U21 Global Citizenship live Twitter feed, which we ran throughout the event using the #U21GC hashtag (check it out!), it may be useful …

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UNMC Showcases its research to the PVC for Research

Professor Saul Tendler (Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research) was recently at UNMC for the tri-campus University Executive Board/Management Boards Meeting. Following this meeting Professor Tendler stayed at UNMC for a further two days to hear more about the research that is being done at UNMC. This was our opportunity to showcase our research, both its quality …

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