June 6, 2014, by Graham Kendall
Grant Writing Workshop (12th June 2014, KLTC)
The Research Support Office (RSO) and Research Training and Academic Services (RTAD) are organising a grant writing workshop on the 12th June 2014, 10am to 5pm at KLTC.
This workshop follows a series of other successful workshops, which have been aimed at developing research proposals in a supportive, collaborative environment.
The workshop will be supported by colleagues from across the campus including those from Business Engagement, RSO, RTAD, as well as mentors from academic staff who have been successful in obtaining grant funding.
We hope that the outcome of the day will be several fully developed research proposals that can be submitted to MoE, MOSTI etc.
If you plan to attend please register with Anita Anita.Pathma@nottingham.edu.my, by 5pm on Monday 9th June, so that we know numbers for catering purposes.
The full program can be seen here.
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