July 23, 2013, by Graham Kendall
UNMC Publication Status: July 2013
Every so often we publish the current status of our publications. This is useful to see how we are doing against previous years, but it might also be useful to people from outside the University to see what areas where we are currently publishing.
I have extracted the publications listed on Web of Knowledge and also Scopus. I have used these two bibliography indexes as they are the ones that are used for MyRA.
Note: The publications are those published with our affiliation (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus). This is why it is important that we use the correct affilitaion as MyRA will only accept papers with our affilitaion. It is also for this reason that if you have recently started, have published a paper in 2013 but it has a different affilitaion, it will not appear in the listings below.
Just for comparison, I have also listed the number of publications for the past few years, just to give some indication of our progress in previous years.
Just for the record, these extracts were done on 18th July 2013. You might also want to look at the previous post on 3rd June and 14th Jan which gives a kind of history of our publication record in 2013.
Web of Knowledge
- 2013 (to date): 66
- 2012: 139
- 2011: 124
- 2010: 102
- 2009: 121
- 2013 (to date): 84
- 2012: 64
- 2011: 79
- 2010: 115
- 2009: 92
Here is the list of the publications. Bear in mind that some (many) will be duplicated across the two indexes.
Web of Knowledge (66 records)
Altawallbeh AA, Saeid NH and Hashim I ({2013}), “Magnetic Field Effect on Natural Convection in a Porous Cavity Heating from below and Salting from Side”, ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ang XW, Sethu VS, Andresen JM and Sivakumar M ({2013}), “Copper(II) ion removal from aqueous solutions using biosorption technology: thermodynamic and SEM-EDX studies”, CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY., APR, {2013}. Vol. {15}({2}), pp. {401-407}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ashrafi A, Seow H-V, Lee LS and Lee CG ({2013}), “The efficiency of the hotel industry in Singapore”, TOURISM MANAGEMENT., AUG, {2013}. Vol. {37}, pp. {31-34}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Bai R, van Woensel T, Kendall G and Burke EK ({2013}), “A new model and a hyper-heuristic approach for two-dimensional shelf space allocation”, 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH., MAR, {2013}. Vol. {11}({1}), pp. {31-55}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Baskaran R, Colombo S and Cullen R ({2013}), “Public preferences in irrigation and conservation development projects: Does simultaneous consideration of substitutes in choice sets matter?”, LAND USE POLICY., JUL, {2013}. Vol. {33}, pp. {214-226}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Baskaran R, Managi S and Bendig M ({2013}), “A public perspective on the adoption of microgeneration technologies in New Zealand: A multivariate probit approach”, ENERGY POLICY., JUL, {2013}. Vol. {58}, pp. {177-188}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Camalxaman S-N, Zeenathul NA, Quah Y-W, Loh H-S, Zuridah H, Hani H, Sheikh-Omar AR and Mohd-Azmi ML ({2013}), “Establishment of rat brain endothelial cells susceptible to rat cytomegalovirus ALL-03 infection”, IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL., MAR, {2013}. Vol. {49}({3}), pp. {238-244}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Chew IML, Foo DCY, Bonhivers J-C, Stuart P, Alva-Argaez A and Savulescu LE ({2013}), “A model-based approach for simultaneous water and energy reduction in a pulp and paper mill”, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING., MAR, {2013}. Vol. {51}({1-2}), pp. {393-400}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Chong MF, Chen J, Oh PP and Chen Z-S ({2013}), “Modeling study of chemical phase equilibrium of canola oil transesterification in a CSTR”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE., JAN 14, {2013}. Vol. {87}, pp. {371-380}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Chong MF, Chen J, Oh PP and Chen Z-S ({2013}), “Modeling Analysis of Membrane Reactor for Biodiesel Production”, AICHE JOURNAL., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {59}({1}), pp. {258-271}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Chuah LH, Billa N, Roberts CJ, Burley JC and Manickam S ({2013}), “Curcumin-containing chitosan nanoparticles as a potential mucoadhesive delivery system to the colon”, PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY., MAY-JUN, {2013}. Vol. {18}({3}), pp. {591-599}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Colon CP and Campos-Arceiz A ({2013}), “THE IMPACT OF GUT PASSAGE BY BINTURONGS (ARCTICTIS BINTURONG) ON SEED GERMINATION”, RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY., FEB 28, {2013}. Vol. {61}({1}), pp. {417-421}.[BibTeX] |
Diamante JAR, Tan RR, Foo DCY, Ng DKS, Aviso KB and Bandyopadhya S ({2013}), “A Graphical Approach for Pinch-Based Source-Sink Matching and Sensitivity Analysis in Carbon Capture and Storage Systems”, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH., JUN 5, {2013}. Vol. {52}({22, SI}), pp. {7211-7222}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Din WM, Chu J, Clarke G, Jin KT, Bradshaw TD, Fry JR and Wiart C ({2013}), “Antioxidant and Cytoprotective Effects of an Ethanol Extract of Acalypha wilkesiana var. macafeana from Malaysia”, NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. {8}({3}), pp. {375-380}.[BibTeX] |
Farzadnia N, Ali AAA, Demirboga R and Anwar MP ({2013}), “Effect of halloysite nanoclay on mechanical properties, thermal behavior and microstructure of cement mortars”, CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH., JUN, {2013}. Vol. {48}, pp. {97-104}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Foo DCY ({2013}), “A generalised guideline for process changes for resource conservation networks”, CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {15}({1}), pp. {45-53}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Golsheikh AM, Huang NM, Lim HN, Chia CH, Harrison I and Muhamad MR ({2013}), “One-pot hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of FeS2 (pyrite)/graphene nanocomposite”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL., FEB 15, {2013}. Vol. {218}, pp. {276-284}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Hassan LH, Moghavvemi M, Almurib HAF and Steinmayer O ({2013}), “Application of genetic algorithm in optimization of unified power flow controller parameters and its location in the power system network”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS., MAR, {2013}. Vol. {46}, pp. {89-97}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Hassan LH, Moghavvemi M, Almurib HAF and Steinmayer O ({2013}), “Current state of neural networks applications in power system monitoring and control”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS., OCT, {2013}. Vol. {51}, pp. {134-144}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Hii CL, Law CL and Law MC ({2013}), “Simulation of heat and mass transfer of cocoa beans under stepwise drying conditions in a heat pump dryer”, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING., MAY 14, {2013}. Vol. {54}({1}), pp. {264-271}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Hortua AC, El-Halwagi MM, Ng DKS and Foo DCY ({2013}), “Integrated Approach for Simultaneous Mass and Property Integration for Resource Conservation”, ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {1}({1}), pp. {29-38}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ishiuchi K, Nakazawa T, Yagishita F, Mino T, Noguchi H, Hotta K and Watanabe K ({2013}), “Combinatorial Generation of Complexity by Redox Enzymes in the Chaetoglobosin A Biosynthesis”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY., MAY 15, {2013}. Vol. {135}({19}), pp. {7371-7377}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ismail HM, Ng HK, Gan S, Cheng X and Lucchini T ({2013}), “Investigation of Biodiesel-Diesel Fuel Blends on Combustion Characteristics in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine Using OpenFOAM”, ENERGY & FUELS., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {27}({1}), pp. {208-219}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ismail HM, Ng HK, Gan S, Lucchini T and Onorati A ({2013}), “Development of a reduced biodiesel combustion kinetics mechanism for CFD modelling of a light-duty diesel engine”, FUEL., APR, {2013}. Vol. {106}, pp. {388-400}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Jensen C and Zhang J ({2013}), “Trade in tourism services: Explaining tourism trade and the impact of the general agreement on trade in services on the gains from trade”, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT., APR 1, {2013}. Vol. {22}({3}), pp. {398-429}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kasivisvanathan H, Barilea IDU, Ng DKS and Tan RR ({2013}), “Optimal operational adjustment in multi-functional energy systems in response to process inoperability”, APPLIED ENERGY., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {102}({SI}), pp. {492-500}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kendall G and Li J ({2013}), “Competitive travelling salesmen problem: A hyper-heuristic approach”, JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {64}({2}), pp. {208-216}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Klemes JJ, Kravanja Z, Varbanov PS and Lam HL ({2013}), “Advanced multimedia engineering education in energy, process integration and optimisation”, APPLIED ENERGY., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {101}({SI}), pp. {33-40}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kolo JG, Ang L-M, Shanmugam SA, Lim DWG and Seng KP ({2013}), “A Simple Data Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In SOFT COMPUTING MODELS IN INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS. Vol. {188}, pp. {327-336}.[BibTeX] |
Kong JH, Ang LM and Seng KP ({2013}), “Low Complexity Minimal Instruction Set Computer Design using Anubis Cipher for Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform”, In SECURITY AND TRENDS IN WIRELESS IDENTIFICATION AND SENSING PLATFORM TAGS: ADVANCEMENTS IN RFID. , pp. {144-171}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kumar SV, Huang NM, Lim HN, Marlinda AR, Harrison I and Chia CH ({2013}), “One-step size-controlled synthesis of functional graphene oxide/silver nanocomposites at room temperature”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL., MAR 1, {2013}. Vol. {219}, pp. {217-224}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kumar SV, Huang NM, Lim HN, Zainy M, Harrison I and Chia CH ({2013}), “Preparation of highly water dispersible functional graphene/silver nanocomposite for the detection of melamine”, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL., MAY, {2013}. Vol. {181}, pp. {885-893}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Kumar TN and Lombardi F ({2013}), “A Novel Heuristic Method for Application-Dependent Testing of a SRAM-Based FPGA Interconnect”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {62}({1}), pp. {163-172}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Lam HL, Klemes JJ, Varbanov PS and Kravanja Z ({2013}), “P-Graph Synthesis of Open-Structure Biomass Networks”, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH., JAN 9, {2013}. Vol. {52}({1}), pp. {172-180}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Lee LH, Rajkumar R, Lo LH, Wan CH and Isa D ({2013}), “Oil and gas pipeline failure prediction system using long range ultrasonic transducers and Euclidean-Support Vector Machines classification approach”, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS., MAY, {2013}. Vol. {40}({6}), pp. {1925-1934}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Maul T ({2013}), “Early experiments with neural diversity machines”, NEUROCOMPUTING., AUG 3, {2013}. Vol. {113}, pp. {36-48}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Maul T, Bargiela A, Yan Y, Gao N and Foss A ({2013}), “Simulation Modelling Study of Self-Assembled Nanoparticle Coatings for Retinal Implants”, JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {10}({1}), pp. {65-76}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Munusamy V, Yap BK, Buckle MJC, Doughty SW and Chung LY ({2013}), “Structure-Based Identification of Aporphines with Selective 5-HT2A Receptor-Binding Activity”, CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {81}({2}), pp. {250-256}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Nassirharand A ({2013}), “Non-linear proportional and rate feedback design for highly non-linear systems”, TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL., APR, {2013}. Vol. {35}({2}), pp. {227-235}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ng CM and Manickam S ({2013}), “Improved functionalization and recovery of carboxylated carbon nanotubes using the acoustic cavitation approach”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS., FEB 5, {2013}. Vol. {557}, pp. {97-101}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ng HK, Gan S, Ng J-H and Pang KM ({2013}), “Simulation of biodiesel combustion in a light-duty diesel engine using integrated compact biodiesel-diesel reaction mechanism”, APPLIED ENERGY., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {102}({SI}), pp. {1275-1287}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ng HK, Gan S, Ng J-H and Pang KM ({2013}), “Development and validation of a reduced combined biodiesel-diesel reaction mechanism”, FUEL., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {104}, pp. {620-634}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Owuamalam CK, Tarrant M, Farrow CV and Zagefka H ({2013}), “The Effect of Metastereotyping on Judgements of Higher-Status Outgroups When Reciprocity and Social Image Improvement Motives Collide”, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DU COMPORTEMENT., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {45}({1}), pp. {12-23}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Sajab MS, Chia CH, Zakaria S and Khiew PS ({2013}), “Cationic and anionic modifications of oil palm empty fruit bunch fibers for the removal of dyes from aqueous solutions”, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {128}, pp. {571-577}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Shahar S, Lee LK, Rajab N, Lim CL, Harun NA, Noh MFNM, Mian-Then S and Jamal R ({2013}), “Association between vitamin A, vitamin E and apolipoprotein E status with mild cognitive impairment among elderly people in low-cost residential areas”, NUTRITIONAL NEUROSCIENCE., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {16}({1}), pp. {6-12}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Show PL, Ooi CW, Anuar MS, Ariff A, Yusof YA, Chen SK, Annuar MSM and Ling TC ({2013}), “Recovery of lipase derived from Burkholderia cenocepacia ST8 using sustainable aqueous two-phase flotation composed of recycling hydrophilic organic solvent and inorganic salt”, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY., JUN 7, {2013}. Vol. {110}, pp. {112-118}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Siise A and Massawe FJ ({2013}), “Microsatellites based marker molecular analysis of Ghanaian bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) landraces alongside morphological characterization”, GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {60}({2}), pp. {777-787}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
da Silva AG, Campos-Arceiz A and Zavada MS ({2013}), “On tapir ecology, evolution and conservation: what we know and future perspectivespart II”, INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY., MAR, {2013}. Vol. {8}({1}), pp. {1-3}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Soo SST, Toh EL, Yap KKK, Ng DKS and Foo DCY ({2013}), “Synthesis of distributed wastewater treatment networks for one- and two-contaminant systems”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {91}({1}), pp. {106-119}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tan S-J, Lim K-H, Subramaniam G and Kam T-S ({2013}), “Macroline-sarpagine and macroline-pleiocarpamine bisindole alkaloids from Alstonia angustifolia”, PHYTOCHEMISTRY., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {85}, pp. {194-202}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tan SM, Ng HK and Gan S ({2013}), “Computational study of crevice soot entrainment in a diesel engine”, APPLIED ENERGY., FEB, {2013}. Vol. {102}({SI}), pp. {898-907}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tan YL, Ng DKS, El-Halwagi MM, Foo DCY and Samyudia Y ({2013}), “Synthesis of Heat Integrated Resource Conservation Networks with Varying Operating Parameters”, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH., JUN 5, {2013}. Vol. {52}({22, SI}), pp. {7196-7210}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tang SY, Shridharan P and Sivakumar M ({2013}), “Impact of process parameters in the generation of novel aspirin nanoemulsions – Comparative studies between ultrasound cavitation and microfluidizer”, ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {20}({1}), pp. {485-497}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tang SY and Sivakumar M ({2013}), “A Novel and Facile Liquid Whistle Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactor to Produce Submicron Multiple Emulsions”, AICHE JOURNAL., JAN, {2013}. Vol. {59}({1}), pp. {155-167}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tang SY, Sivakumar M and Nashiru B ({2013}), “Impact of osmotic pressure and gelling in the generation of highly stable single core water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) nano multiple emulsions of aspirin assisted by two-stage ultrasonic cavitational emulsification”, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES., FEB 1, {2013}. Vol. {102}, pp. {653-658}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tay BA ({2013}), “Reduced dynamics of two oscillators collectively coupled to a thermal bath”, PHYSICAL REVIEW E., MAY 13, {2013}. Vol. {87}({5})[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tay DHS, Ng DKS and Tan RR ({2013}), “Robust optimization approach for synthesis of integrated biorefineries with supply and demand uncertainties”, ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY., JUL, {2013}. Vol. {32}({2}), pp. {384-389}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Teo LP ({2013}), “Casimir interaction between a sphere and a cylinder”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D., FEB 20, {2013}. Vol. {87}({4})[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Then S-M, Rani ZZM, Raymond AA and Jamal R ({2013}), “Pharmacogenomics screening of HLA-B*1502 in epilepsy patients: How we do it in the UKM Medical Centre, Malaysia”, NEUROLOGY ASIA. Vol. {18}({1}), pp. {27-29}.[BibTeX] |
Thuc LV, Sarpan N, Ky H, Ooi S-E, Napis S, Ho C-L, Ong-Abdullah M, Chin C-F and Namasivayam P ({2013}), “A Novel Transcript of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), Eg707, is Specifically Upregulated in Tissues Related to Totipotency (vol 48, pg 156, 2011)”, MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY., JUL, {2013}. Vol. {54}({3}), pp. {1055}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Tino P, Chong SY and Yao X ({2013}), “Complex Coevolutionary Dynamics-Structural Stability and Finite Population Effects”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION., APR, {2013}. Vol. {17}({2, SI}), pp. {155-164}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Vu TT ({2013}), “Geospatial technology uses in post-disaster response – the power of the crowd”, DISASTER ADVANCES., APR, {2013}. Vol. {6}({4}), pp. {1-3}.[BibTeX] |
Yaacob JS, Loh H-S and Taha RM ({2013}), “Protein Profiling and Histone Deacetylation Activities in Somaclonal Variants of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)”, SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Yusoff N, Huang NM, Muhamad MR, Kumar SV, Lim HN and Harrison I ({2013}), “Hydrothermal synthesis of CuO/functionalized graphene nanocomposites for dye degradation”, MATERIALS LETTERS., FEB 15, {2013}. Vol. {93}, pp. {393-396}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Zahid N, Ali A, Siddiqui Y and Maqbool M ({2013}), “Efficacy of ethanolic extract of propolis in maintaining postharvest quality of dragon fruit during storage”, POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY., MAY, {2013}. Vol. {79}, pp. {69-72}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Zungeru AM, Ang L-M and Seng KP ({2013}), “A formal mathematical framework for modeling and simulation of wireless sensor network environments utilizing the hill-building behavior of termites”, SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL., MAY, {2013}. Vol. {89}({5, SI}), pp. {589-615}.[BibTeX] [DOI] |
Scopus (84 records)
Ahmad N, Basu S, Redjeki E, Murchie E, Massawe F, Azam-Ali S, Kilian A and Mayes S (2013), “Developing genetic mapping and marker-assisted breeding techniques in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L.)”, Acta Horticulturae. Vol. 979, pp. 437-450.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Ahmed T, Ahmad M, Lam H and Yusup S (2013), “Hydrogen from renewable palm kernel shell via enhanced gasification with low carbon dioxide emission”, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 15(3), pp. 513-523.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Al-shalabi M, Pradhan B, Billa L, Mansor S and Althuwaynee O (2013), “Manifestation of Remote Sensing Data in Modeling Urban Sprawl Using the SLEUTH Model and Brute Force Calibration: A Case Study of Sana’a City, Yemen”, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Vol. 41(2), pp. 405-416.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Al-Shareef I, Sparkes D, Karunaratne A and Azam-Ali S (2013), “The effect of temperature and drought stress on radiation use efficiency of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verde.) landraces”, Acta Horticulturae. Vol. 979, pp. 675-682.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Altawallbeh A, Saeid N and Hashim I (2013), “Magnetic field effect on natural convection in a porous cavity heating from below and salting from side”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 2013[BibTeX] [URL] |
Altawallbeh A, Saeid N and Hashim I (2013), “Numerical simulation of magnetic field effect on natural convection in a porous cavity heating from below and salting from side”, World Applied Sciences Journal. Vol. 21(SPECIAL ISSUE1), pp. 1-5.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Asantewaa Y, Aylott J, Burley J, Billa N and Roberts C (2013), “Correlating physicochemical properties of boronic acid-chitosan conjugates to glucose adsorption sensitivity”, Pharmaceutics. Vol. 5(1), pp. 69-80.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Bai R, van Woensel T, Kendall G and Burke E (2013), “A new model and a hyper-heuristic approach for two-dimensional shelf space allocation”, 4OR. Vol. 11(1), pp. 31-55.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Baskaran R, Colombo S and Cullen R (2013), “Public preferences in irrigation and conservation development projects: Does simultaneous consideration of substitutes in choice sets matter?”, Land Use Policy. Vol. 33, pp. 214-226.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Baskaran R, Managi S and Bendig M (2013), “A public perspective on the adoption of microgeneration technologies in New Zealand: A multivariate probit approach”, Energy Policy. Vol. 58, pp. 177-188.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chai HH, Lai H-M, Guo H, Basu S, Massawe F, Azam-Ali S, Graham N, Broadley M, May S and Mayes S (2013), “Developing XSpecies approaches for genomics and transcriptomics-using resources developed in major species for research in Bambara groundnut”, Acta Horticulturae. Vol. 979, pp. 773-778.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chan H, Yap E and Ho J-H (2013), “Axial compression for direct capture of carbon dioxide (CO2)”, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 284-287, pp. 35-40.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chan WP, Massawe F and Alderson P (2013), “Photosynthesis and genetic relationships in the genus Vigna”, Acta Horticulturae. Vol. 979, pp. 723-736.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Charde N and Rajkumar R (2013), “Investigating spot weld growth on 304 austenitic stainless steel (2 mm) sheets”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Vol. 8(1), pp. 69-76.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chemmangattuvalappil N and Eden M (2013), “A novel methodology for property-based molecular design using multiple topological indices”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 52(22), pp. 7090-7103.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chemmangattuvalappil N and Ng D (2013), “A systematic methodology for optimal product design in an integrated biorefinery”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Vol. 32, pp. 91-96.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chew I, Foo D, Bonhivers J-C, Stuart P, Alva-Argaez A and Savulescu L (2013), “A model-based approach for simultaneous water and energy reduction in a pulp and paper mill”, Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 51(1-2), pp. 393-400.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chilenski S, Ang P, Greenberg M, Feinberg M and Spoth R (2013), “The Impact of a Prevention Delivery System on Perceived Social Capital: the PROSPER Project”, Prevention Science. , pp. 1-13.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chong C, Figiel A, Law C and WojdyÅ‚o A (2013), “Combined Drying of Apple Cubes by Using of Heat Pump, Vacuum-Microwave, and Intermittent Techniques”, Food and Bioprocess Technology. , pp. 1-15.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chong M, Chen J, Oh P and Chen Z-S (2013), “Modeling analysis of membrane reactor for biodiesel production”, AIChE Journal. Vol. 59(1), pp. 258-271.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chong M, Chen J, Oh P and Chen Z-S (2013), “Modeling analysis of membrane reactor for biodiesel production”, AIChE Journal. Vol. 59(1), pp. 258-271.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Chong M, Chen J, Oh P and Chen Z-S (2013), “Modeling study of chemical phase equilibrium of canola oil transesterification in a CSTR”, Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 87, pp. 371-380.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Choudhury H, Choudhary A, Sivakumar M and Moholkar V (2013), “Mechanistic investigation of the sonochemical synthesis of zinc ferrite”, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. Vol. 20(1), pp. 294-302.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Diamante J, Tan R, Foo D, Ng D, Aviso K and Bandyopadhyay S (2013), “A graphical approach for pinch-based source-sink matching and sensitivity analysis in carbon capture and storage systems”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 52(22), pp. 7211-7222.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Ebner N, Johnson M, Rieckmann A, Durbin K, Johnson M and Fischer H (2013), “Processing own-age vs. other-age faces: Neuro-behavioral correlates and effects of emotion”, NeuroImage. Vol. 78, pp. 363-371.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Farzadnia N, Abang Ali A, Demirboga R and Anwar M (2013), “Characterization of high strength mortars with nano Titania at elevated temperatures”, Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 43, pp. 469-479.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Farzadnia N, Abang Ali A, Demirboga R and Anwar M (2013), “Effect of halloysite nanoclay on mechanical properties, thermal behavior and microstructure of cement mortars”, Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 48, pp. 97-104.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Foo D (2013), “A generalised guideline for process changes for resource conservation networks”, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 15(1), pp. 45-53.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Foo D, Tan R, Lam H, Abdul Aziz M and KlemeÅ¡ J (2013), “Robust models for the synthesis of flexible palm oil-based regional bioenergy supply chain”, Energy. Vol. 55, pp. 68-73.[BibTeX] [URL] |
Gnanagurunathan G and Selvan K (2013), “Artificial magnetic conductors on wide-band patch antenna”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. Vol. 36, pp. 9-19.[BibTeX] [URL] |
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