July 24, 2013, by Graham Kendall

Nominations Now Open for the 2014 U21 Awards & Gilbert Medal

The following is taken from the U21 web site:. More details, along with the relevant forms can be found here.

Both the U21 Awards and the Gilbert Medal have been awarded by U21 since 2012.

U21 Awards 

The U21 Awards are awarded to indivduals from within the U21 network. They recognise individual efforts towards particularly innovative or extraordinary projects which further internationalisation, or sustained and prolonged contribution building relations between U21 members to support internationalisation. Two awards are presented annually at the U21 AGM.

This will be the third year in which U21 Awards are presented (2012: Karen Gardener of UBC and Göte Hansson of Lund; 2013 Xu Qian of Fudan and Jenny McGregor of Melbourne). We now seek nominations for the 2014 recipients.

Nominations for the U21 Awards are welcome from all indivduals within U21. To nominate a U21 individual for this award, please complete the U21 Award form below and return it to U21 Secretary General, Jane Ushwerood (j.usherwood@bham.ac.uk).

Gilbert Medal

We award the Gilbert to someone outside the U21 network. This award recognises outstanding and significant achievement in the internationalisation of higher education. One Gilbert Medal is presented annually at the U21 AGM.

The Gilbert Medal is named in honour of our founding chair, the late Professor Alan Gilbert who was Vice Chancellor of the University of Melbourne from 1996 to 2004.

The first recipient was Dr Allan Goodman, CEO of the Institute for International Education: the 2013 Gilbert Medal was awarded to Dr Jane Knight of the University of Toronto for her academic work in defining internationalisation in the context of higher education.  We now seek nominations for the 2014 recipient.

Please note that only U21 Presidents may nominate individuals for the Gilbert Medal. To nominate an external individual for this award, please complete the Gilbert Medal form below and return it to U21 Secretary General, Jane Ushwerood (j.usherwood@bham.ac.uk).

The deadline for both the U21 Award and the Gilbert Medal nominations is the 23 September 2013. All nominations will then be considered during the next Managers’ meeting, taking place in Amsterdam in October. 

Header Image: Map of the World. Downloaded via Google (19 Jul 2013); Labeled as free to reuse. Original image at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World-map-2004-cia-factbook-large-1.7m-whitespace-removed.jpg

Posted in U21Universitas 21