December 11, 2012, by Graham Kendall
U21 Workshop on Dealing with Research Misconduct
Richard Masterman (Director of Research Graduate Services), Margaret Dowens (Chair of UNNC Research Ethics Committee) and myself recently (10th – 11th Dec 2012) attended a two day U21 workshop in Hong Kong that focused on research misconduct and how to deal with it, especially when more than one university is involved (things get even more more complicated when the institutions are in different countries).
Research misconduct may not sound the most exciting topic in the world but it was actually a very enjoyable and stimulating couple of days.
The topics that were covered included:
- National vs Institutional research integrity policy
- Introduction to new UK concordat and policy at University of Nottingham (presented and facilitated by Richard Masterman)
- What are the challenging issues for an institutional policy on research integrity that reflects multi-institutional cases?
- Sharing of real cases: Open discussion of other U21 misconduct cases
- Processes to address research integrity good conduct
- A new approach to authorship and a research governance framework program
- Sharing best practice
- How research integrity is promoted in different universities?
- a NUS research integrity course for faculty and graduate students
- Group discussion on other systems for promoting research integrity
- Research integrity issues facing universities today
- Thresholds – what is tolerable or cannot be managed, and preventative systems
- Research integrity in the eyes of students
- Research integrity for research students
- U21 Global Research Ethics and Integrity Module (GREIM) and other Melbourne initiatives
- Experience in Nottingham Ningbo (presented by Margaret Dowens)
- Open discussion on existing initiatives to make research students aware of research integrity
- Research integrity from the perspective of the policymaker
- Working towards a U21 approach to research integrity
It was a very useful workshop and gave all the delegates food for thought. There is a view that U21 might come up with some principles about research integrity and the relevant people might meet again in 2013.

Professor Nicholas H. Steneck (University of Michigan) presenting at the U21 Workshop on Dealing with Research Misconduct. Also pictured is Professor Frederick Leung, Hong Kong University. Talk title: Research integrity issues facing universities today.
Header picture shows Dr. Margaret Dowens (UNNC) presenting at the U21 Workshop on Dealing with Research Misconduct. Also pictured is Professor Dick Strugnell, University of Melbourne. Talk Title: Experience in Nottingham Ningbo
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