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A satisfying result – National Student Survey

The results of the latest National Student Survey (NSS) are in! Everyone within Libraries, Research and Learning Resources (LRLR) here at The UoN is chuffed to discover that student satisfaction with our libraries has increased again, for the second year running, and now stands at an all-time high. Analysis of the latest NSS results shows that satisfaction with …

Publishing with Springer Open Choice

Publishing open access makes your research freely available online to anyone, worldwide. Ever since October 2015 publishing open access articles in eligible Springer Open Choice journals  has been at no cost to University of Nottingham researchers. The agreement with Springer covers all Article Processing Charges (APCs) and provides ongoing access to all subscription content in …

Where am I #meanttobe? Why missing an A-level grade may not be the worst thing in the world

More years ago than I care to admit, I awaited my A-level results, with no doubt the same levels of anxiety as many young people this week. In my case, I missed my place at Medical School by one grade. Given that I had wanted to be a doctor since I was ten, and my …

Summer Reads 2016

There are few things that top sitting in the British sunshine with a cold beverage and a good book. Here’s what UoN Library staff have been reading this summer: Lucy McBurnie, Customer Services After browsing through Amazon Books’ bargain section on my Kindle I came across ‘The Husband’s Secret’ by Liane Moriarty. The main storyline is that …

5 minutes with… Robert Pearce, Conservator for Manuscripts and Special Collections

Welcome to the latest in our series of Blog posts ‘5 minutes with …’, that introduce staff who work in LRLR at the University of Nottingham. We are a large department of around 250 staff based across all campuses and doing a wide variety of jobs relating to libraries, collections, teaching and learning, and research …

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) upgrade

August Upgrade Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is being upgraded throughout August. A new Box of Broadcasts went live on 1 August, which you can access now. However, there will be limited content and functionality available during the upgrade period. You won’t be able to access your saved clips and playlists, or some archive content broadcast …

Five minutes with… Elizabeth Newall

Name? Elizabeth Newall Job title? Senior Librarian, Teaching & Learning Support So, what does that mean? I manage a team of 4 librarians who teach students information and digital literacy skills. We work with academic departments and schools to provide different types of information skills teaching at different points in the curriculum when students need …

New news, old news – Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004

In March, we trialled the Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004 giving you access to more than 100 years of the Daily Mail newspaper. During that month, you spent 32,077 minutes searching the archive, you busy lot! Towards the end of this financial year, the library received some grant money which we’re delighted to invest in our collections. …

Light at the end of the tunnel for retroconversion

  Colleagues old and new came together recently to celebrate the conclusion of the retrospective cataloguing project. The project tackled the problem of catalogue records which were ‘of their time’ and converting them into machine-readable form. Started in 1984, the project took longer to complete than the construction of the Dartford Tunnel – over 30 …

Happy Birthday to us!

We cannot believe Library Matters has been here over a year! Our first Blog post ‘Five reasons why you should read Library Matters’ went live on 8 June 2015 and since then we published 85 posts, covering all manner of library topics from singing librarians via student engagement to the glamour of the Oscars. This Blog …