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National Libraries Day – Saturday 6th February

Saturday 6th February is National Libraries Day. An annual occurrence marked by events across the UK in celebration of the work of libraries. UoN Libraries have a comprehensive collection of resources to support your academic studies (as well as a broad collection of fiction and world literature for your reading pleasure). Nottingham also boasts sixteen public libraries (with many more in …

Second year students get their own online course

Your University Journey Year 2, an online course for students transitioning into their second year at Nottingham, is now open for enrolment. Two current open online courses (NOOCs) are still running.  Your University Journey, for new students – foundation and Year 1 on all campuses – is now reaching the end of its second week, …

On Course for your Masters?

Libraries, Research and Learning Resources have developed an online course for all taught postgraduate students. ‘On Course for Your Masters’ guides you through your transition into postgraduate study in regard to using information and resources to support your research. The course is online so you can use it at your own pace, and it is …

Nottingham Reading Programme – “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”

Autumn is upon us and as the nights draw in why not enjoy a good book? Not only is reading fiction good for you, by joining our inaugural Nottingham Reading programme you can join a reading group and socialise with other new students while shooting the breeze and exploring life’s big questions. If you are …