May 3, 2022, by Emma
NUsearch upgrade: easier reporting of e-resource access issues
Find out about the new features in the latest upgrade to the university’s library discovery tool, NUsearch.
New feedback tool to report issues with accessing e-resources
In the latest NUsearch upgrade we have introduced a new feedback tool which you can use to let us know when an Available online link is not working for an e-resource.

Screenshot of an ebook record on NUsearch which shows the pink Report e-resource access issue exclamation icon
1. To report an issue when browsing:
Using a desktop? Select the pink exclamation icon displayed at the bottom right of the screen
Using a mobile? Select Report e-resource access issue from the top right ellipsis (…) menu
2. When the feedback tool opens select Report a broken link.
3. The URL of the resource you are trying to access will be automatically recorded. You can provide additional information in the Problem description field. Please enter your email address if you would like us to reply to you.
4. Select Send to submit your issue.
Showing the three screens of the “Report e-resource access issue” feedback tool. 1: Button to Report a broken link, 2: Provide problem description and email and send feedback, 3: Thank you for your feedback.
Electronic journal coverage dates displayed in search results
We are now displaying a summary of journal coverage in the Available online link in search results. It also displays in Journal search and My Favourites.
This reduces the need to view the full journal record to find out what you have access to.

Journal coverage information displayed in the Available Online link in search results
The coverage summary will display a maximum of three date ranges. If there are more than three, the summary will include the more label.
Improved advanced search results display
After performing an advanced search, the Search Criteria section is now collapsed so that search results display more prominently on the page, especially for mobile devices, tablets, and smaller laptops.

Collapsed search criteria section on Advanced search results page, with “Search Criteria” expand option highlighted
To amend your search query, click on Search Criteria to display the full advanced search criteria.

Advanced search criteria section expanded after clicking “Search Criteria”
Library staff are available to help with any questions about NUsearch or using our library services. Get in touch via phone, email or live chat.
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