A large 'B' as British Online Archives logo

February 3, 2022, by Sarah

On trial: British Online Archives

We are pleased to bring you trial access to the British Online Archives (BOA) database.

The BOA is a huge collection of primary source documents for students and researchers in the humanities and social sciences. The database hosts over 4 million records from both public and private archives, covering 1,000 years of history.

There are 102 Collections arranged thematically in the following Series:

  • American Studies, 1621-1952
  • BBC, 1927-2002
  • The Industrial Revolution in Britain and the World, 1635-1970
  • British Communism at Home and Abroad, 1883-1991
  • Global Governance in the 20th Century
  • Governing Africa, 1808-1995
  • Politics and Protest, 1102-1994
  • India under Colonial Rule, 1752-1933
  • Representing Britain, 1796-1962
  • Running the West Indies, 1678-1950
  • Spreading the Word, 1808-1967
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1675-1907
  • World Wars, 1863-1974

The trial will run until 31 March 2022. Please send your feedback to collections@nottingham.ac.uk


(This blog was first published in February 2021)

Posted in CollectionsOnline resourcesTrials