May 10, 2016, by Pauline
Copy? … Right?
Here are some common instances when you might want to copy or reuse someone else’s work:
- Photocopy from a book for your studies
- Upload course readings to Moodle
- Quote or include an extract in your dissertation or thesis
- Include material in a lecture presentation
In all these cases you need to consider copyright. Many of the materials you use for study, research or teaching will be protected by copyright. UK Copyright law limits what you can legally copy or reuse without permission. It is important to understand what you can and can’t do. In addition, the original work that you produce, such as dissertations, theses, articles and teaching materials, will be protected by copyright. You should be aware of what rights you have.
For some, copyright can be a worrying and forbidding subject, but it doesn’t need to be! There are ways to use copyright works without infringing the work of others. These include fair dealing exceptions, open licences, university licences, and seeking permission.
To find out more the following guidance is available to help you:
Our newly revised copyright pages provide information about copyright in study, research and teaching.
You will find sections on the basics of copyright law, the main ways you can stay compliant, copyright in different material types, and advice for students, researchers and teaching staff.
2. Seminar on Copyright and e-learning: everything you need to know but were afraid to ask
Our sister blog, Learning Technology, recently featured a Teaching & Learning Seminar on Copyright and eLearning. The recording of the talk by Tony Simmonds, Senior Research Librarian, is well worth listening to. It provides an overview of what copyright is. It also aims to counter myths and provide practical tips on using copyright works when producing learning materials.
3. Other information sources
- Intellectual Property Office – Provides guidance on copyright law and other intellectual property rights.
- Copyright Law (JISC) – a guide from JISC describes copyright law and its relevance and application in UK further and higher education.
- Copyright and Related Rights (National Archives) – a pdf guide from the National Archives which provides a good overview of copyright.
- CopyrightUser – an online resource aimed at making UK copyright law accessible to creators, media professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and members of the public.
- Copyright Guide for Students (JISC) – this JISC guide sets out to answer questions that students may have about copyright.
4. Further help
If you have any further queries you can email the Copyright Officer at copyright@nottingham.ac.uk.
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